For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Everybody’s Scalin’ – Top 5 Bodies Wishlist

It seems like every week we are getting a press release from a company showing off another cool, classic body. Despite their being an abundance of good looking, niche satisfying stuff on the market, I thought it would be fun to share my personal “Top 5 Bodies I Wish Someone Would Release” list. Quick caveat before we begin- these are bodies I wish [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – 3D Printing and Scaling

A few weeks ago Cubby touched on the coming 3D printing revolution in the Cub Report, and this week I wanted to elaborate a bit more on that. While it’s starting to catch on in other segments of the hobby now, it’s really big in scaling circles already. There are several prominent individuals in the community that can pretty much pump out [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Another Week, Another Tease

It never fails that after I submit my weekly Scalin’ on a Friday morning, some kind of news breaks later in the day. Seems there is a lot of that going on lately. The “Traxxas Scaler” now has a name, the TRX-4, as well as proper photos showing a pre-production model doing its thing in the wild. The Land Rover Defender body looks [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Redcat Everest GEN-7 Discussion

Ever since the announcement of Redcat’s Everest GEN-7 scaler was made, we have gotten e-mails from fans of the company begging us to talk about it (sometimes in not-so-nice terms). The reason it hasn’t been talked about much is because it’s not an actual physical product yet. That said, with the 3D renders out there as well the price point, I’ll [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Imagine Scaling in the 90’s

When talking about modern amenities like brushless and lipo, I’ve often poked fun at how different scaling would be should those not exist. For laughs, let’s talk about what scaling probably would’ve been like, would it of gotten popular sometime in the 90’s. First of all, a big trail run would be a heck of a lot smaller than nowadays thanks to [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Brushed vs Sensored Brushless Revisted

I thought it would be pertinent to tackle a topic that I once wrote something about 3 years ago, as where I was somewhat in the middle back then, I definitely have a solid opinion now. Back when I originally wrote that, my view was skewed towards using a high turn brushed motor on 3S power because it was cheaper and, in [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Lie in the Utility Bed That You Made

A long period of relative quiet has given way to a deluge of releases by Pro-Line. The coolest thing? It’s that sweet, sweet utility bed. (note, I’ll discuss the monster truck stuff in an upcoming Monster Truck Madness). I’m pretty numb to factory promo shots, having seen a million of them, but damn if that chase-style Ford sporting the new bed isn’t [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – How Important Is Licensing to You?

Official licensing is something that’s been around as long as the hobby itself. Whether it’s a Ford Ranger monster truck, a Ferrari pan car or a Toyota rock crawler, both manufacturer and consumer have flocked to smaller representations of the real thing. So with that in mind, my question this week is “How important is licensing to you?”. When the scale [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – More Discussion On the ECX Barrage

Last week we posted our review of the 1/12 ECX Barrage Crawler, and I’m happy that we did so I can finally talk more in depth on the crawl-ability of the little truck. One of my favorite things in the hobby is when something completely surprises me, and such was the case with the Barrage. Sure, it looks like a decent enough [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Yin to my Yang

Earlier this week in my Monster Truck Madness column, I wrote about the importance of mental toughness when racing r/c monster trucks. If MT racing is my Yin, then scaling is my Yang. Where one is intense and draining (race days are long days), the latter helps me relax and is a great way to recharge my mind. Being out in nature [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Dodongo Dislikes Smoke

Happy Zelda launch day to all my fellow gaming nerds! I’m actually writing this post from my Nintendo Switch….ok, that’s a lie. The Nintendo Switch has no internet browser currently. Hey, I did plan on it at least! Get with it, Nintendo. Anyways, it’s been awhile since I’ve done a scatter-shots type look at recent scaling news, and lately there has [...]


RC4WD V8 Accessories

Everybody’s Scalin’ – Fuel Engines

For about 10 years I was a big nitro guy. This wasn’t because I enjoyed it over electricity, it’s because that’s where the hobby was at during the late 90’s through mid 2000’s. Nitro was messy, loud, somewhat dangerous if you weren’t careful (killing a motor by clogging up the exhaust burnt many fingertips!), headache inducing by way of fumes and [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – Specifications on the HPI Venture FJ

It may of taken awhile, but the HPI Venture FJ is finally about to see release! Ahead of that, official specifications have come out and there are some interesting things to discuss, for sure. I’m going to hit on what I find to be the most interesting aspects of the rig, but you can view the whole spec sheet right here. It’s great [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – The Traxxas Scaler

You guys knew I’d be talking about the Traxxas truck this week, right? When I first saw the photos making their rounds last weekend, I actually thought it was a hoax at first. People have done this several times in regards to Traxxas releasing a scaler. It took awhile before I could confirm it was real, but yes, it was indeed. I [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – What got you into scaling?

Last week there was a chain message going around Facebook where if you got tagged, you had to post a picture of your first r/c crawler and describe how you got into it. I got tagged by a few friends…but I abhor those things so I never did my part. I figured it would be better to just share it [...]

