For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Cubby Rocky Mountain Show 2017

THE Cub Report – Are All Bike People Truly Psycho?

Hello there rc fanatics from across the entire globe, welcome to THE Cub Report. The manufacturers certainly were not messing around last week with multiple big releases, so lets jump right in. The Axial Racing crew had been teasing their new Capra 1/10th scaled crawling kit for some time, but the cat was officially let out of the bag last week. [...]


Cubby with big woman

ASK Cubby – Saving The World One Letter At A Time

“Capra Crazy Cubby, What’s the scoop on the new Axial Capra that is being teased so much? Think it is gonna be something crazy? Derrick O.” Cubby- Hey ya Derrick, be sure and send me your home addy for one of our sweet BigSquidRC sticker packs. I received Derrick’s letter about a week ago while the Axial Capra teasers were in full swing. Earlier today, [...]


Monster Truck Madness – SMT10 Chassis Clearance

I’ve been sitting on this e-mail awhile, but my friend “The Trail Rat” has a question about SMT10 chassis clearance. I have rear steer on my SMT10 and the clearance to the chassis seems small. Is there anyone in your club who has dealt with this? The servo hits the chassis when the suspension bottoms out. I also plan on getting [...]


Losing grip – where to put my money?

With great power and untold riches, comes responsibility. Responsibilty in proportion to the might one weilds. An inherent demand for altruism, considerate actions and careful judgement. It therefore follows that, as a writer for BigSquidRC, I carry a heavy burden on my shoulders. Burdens of power also require humility, a virtue sadly often hard to find, where it is most [...]


Statue Cubby

THE Cub Report – Live By Social Media, Die By Social Media

Here we are people, yet another beautiful Monday in the world of rc. I hope many of you got the chance to go outside and get your rc fix over the weekend. If not, here’s to better luck this coming weekend. Shall we jump on in??? Oh yes, we are officially in full blown holiday season announcement mode here at BigSquidRC. [...]



What’s going on everyone. For as long as Big Squid has been around there have been stickers. The oldest Big Squid sticker I have is about 6 years old and still looking good on my air compressor. I started to think about all the stickers we hand out at events and where they end up. Why not have a little [...]


Speed Run Cubby

ASK Cubby – A Deep Look Into My Inbox

“ARRMA Mojave What’s up Cubby? I am wondering what’s going on with that new 1/7 Mojave? I have been waiting FOREVER for a large scale ARRMA and on the outside the Mojave looks about perfect. Have you bashed one yet? Let me know what’s the top speed and how tough the thing is. Keep having fun man, Brook D.” Cubby- Well howdy there Brook, I [...]


Losing grip – details, or not?

I recently completed a self evaluation at work, and after having been in my present position for more than a year I am certainly doing better than when I started. Pin pointing what exactly I am doing better wasn’t very easy, but one thing I realised was that I have become a fair bit better at judging which details matter, [...]


Monster Truck Madness – White Wolf

It’s been a minute since we last talked about my Traxxas TRX-4 Monster Truck project, and I wanted to issue an update! So when I last talked about this truck back in March, I had done up a Bronco body for it and dubbed it High Horse. The problem is that while the body looked good while the truck was static, [...]


hitec cubby

THE Cub Report – 6 Wheeling Into The Future

Hello there party people, if you live in America I hope you have the day off and are getting your BBQ on, if you live outside the states, I hope you had a great weekend of rc bashing. With that said, lets jump right on it… So… I wonder what the “big news” from last week was. Hummmmm… let me think [...]



Has anyone seen any RTR 6×6’s lately? It’s going to be an all out crawler war this Christmas with Traxxas coming out with the TRX-6. Fittingly enough I was already working on this weeks post before Traxxas did their “mic drop” and got the crawler world in a feeding frenzy. As soon as we know more info about the Traxxas [...]


Cubby BBQ

ASK Cubby – More Questions, Less Answers

“New Traxxas 6×6 What’s up Cubby? So what do you think man, should I get the Axial UMG10 6×6 or the new Traxxas TRX-6 Mercedes? Both look good to me, can’t wait to get my first 6 wheeler! Joseph T.” Cubby- Hola amigo, and thanks for shooting me an email. If you send me your home mailing addy, we will get ya hooked [...]


Losing grip – turn that buckle!

It is highly likely that one of today’s readers, is a first time visitor to BigSquidRC. Or, at least, a first time reader of one of my columns. Welcome! RC is a great hobby with lots to explore, and RC drifting is a most fascinating niche in which to lose oneself. Easy to get into, easy to find good places [...]


Monster Truck Madness – Recreating Grave Digger #7

There have been over 30 Grave Digger monster trucks built since the 1980’s, but few are as beloved as Grave Digger #7. Digger #7, which made its debut in 1992, is easily identifiable within the fleet as it was a short wheelbase truck where the frame rails stuck out in front of the body. In an era where monster truck freestyle [...]


Cardinals Cubby

THE Cub Report – Special Mojave Edition

Here we are fellow rc fanatics, yet another wonderful week in the hobby. 2019 has been one wild year in the rc biz, and it seems to just keep getting wilder. Shall we jump right in??? Literally the “biggest” new product announcement from last week came from ARRMA. The ARRMA ARRMY has long been clamoring for a large scaler, now they [...]

