For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Cubbys harem

THE Cub Report – Flick’n Peas At A Tank

So how about that weekend? Drama in the NFL, drama about nuclear Armageddon, and more drama upon drama. However, pulling some trigger on your fav rc car goes a long ways towards forgetting about whatever it is that might be eating away at you. Well, or at least it works wonders for me. A little hodgepodge anyone? First up, about that 1.9″ [...]


Sunglass Cubby

THE Cub Report – Upcoming Madness

Here we are folks, yet another Monday, yet another Cub Report, thanks for reading. This time of year is a busy one within the industry. After coming off some slow summer months, everyone is now ramping up for the Christmas sales season. The holiday sales season is famous for being a make it, or break it, time of year in [...]


Boat Man Cubby RC

THE Cub Report – Seriously, They All Break

Hello there folks and welcome to THE Cub Report. For all our friends in Florida and the Southeast, we hope that you made it through Hurricane Irma the best that you could. Also, with today being September 11th, we will never forget the day when all our lives were so drastically changed. Thankfully we are America, we will forever stand [...]


Cubby RC Shootout

THE Cub Report – Battle Of The Scalers

No, it isn’t Monday, yet THE Cub Report lives. I was nowhere near a computer yesterday, so THE Cub Report is going live on a Tuesday. If you are a Reallyyy long time reader, you’ll remember that it used to go live on Fridays, and those were quite wild, as was the entire internet wayyy back then. I am soooo not [...]


Big Cubby

THE Cub Report – Think’n Of go1d1e

Hello there to one and all, good to see ya once again. Actually no, of course I can’t see you through your computer or smart phone. Or can I? 🙂 So how about that fight? Yes, I’m talking about the McGregor/Mayweather boxing match that took place on Saturday night. While I watch very little boxing, I am a big MMA fan, [...]


Welcome To Cubby's

THE Cub Report – Totality

Happy eclipse day to you and yours. I traveled to a place called Desoto Missouri to do my viewing and it was indeed spectacular. With no clouds and a perfect sky, I was quite fortunate to get a pristine view of the eclipse. So what’s going on in the rc world? After looking over the news from last week, the elephant [...]


Smiling Cubby Reporter

THE Cub Report – Cubby Cub & The Wacky Bunch

Well hello there friend, I hope you are feeling some serious good vibrations on this fine Monday. Always remember, never forget, life is much more fun with rc around. So here we are, on the verge of the Q3 new release cycle, meaning, soon the big names will start announcing their upcoming vehicles for the ’17 Christmas buying season. In the [...]


Cubby Helmet

THE Cub Report – Long Walk On A Short Pier

Well, here we are folks, yet another wonderful Monday in the rc car biz. From the look of social media, many of you had a fantastic weekend with your various different rc vehicles. For those of you that were busy and didn’t get the chance to pull trigger, I hope this coming weekend is completely open so you can get [...]


cubby typhon

THE Cub Report – The Finish Line

Guess what? Yes, it’s Monday and time for another Cub Report. Thanks for tuning in. Over the weekend I got a chance to spend some time at the Futaba Nitro Challenge. The Futaba race has been going on for a bunch of years and is one that I try to attend whenever possible. Held in St. Louis Missouri, the Futaba race [...]


Cubby with big woman

THE Cub Report – Game Of PWN

Well hello there, my name is Cubby and I want to welcome you to THE Cub Report. Ya know, it still amazes me the amount of noobies that our industry generates, so if this is your first time reading THE CR, I hope you enjoy your time here. Nope, I don’t have anything huge for ya this week, but I do [...]


Road Trip Cubby

THE Cub Report – 909 To The Bone

This week, oh yes, this week, promises to be short and sweet. First, a couple of quick observations. 1. Don’t ever, and by that I mean EVER, take the 15 from Vegas to Barstow on a Sunday. I normally fly, but this week I was delivering a very trick car to the 909. Seriously California??? A freak’n mandatory “agricultural checkpoint”??? Oooffahhh… 2. [...]


Cubby Smile

THE Cub Report – Welcome To The Jungle

Here we are, just you, me, and a few thousand other people, welcome to this week’s Cub Report. I hope you are already off to a great start of your week, I know things are hopping like crazy around our offices. So this week I want to touch on something that I have never spoken about before- Amazon. Yes, you know [...]


Cubby Grin

THE Cub Report- Independence Is Futile

Well hello there, my name is Cubby and you’ve somehow managed to find THE Cub Report. What is THE Cub Report? An on-going saga of rc, I guess? LOL We do hope you are enjoying a 4 day weekend, if not, thank you for going the extra mile and working the holiday for your employer. This week I am going [...]


The Cub Report Schaumburg

THE Cub Report – Living The Dream! (And Why It Sucks)

Well hello there, so nice of you to take a gander at this week’s Cub Report. I trust you had a spectacular weekend, or at least half as good as mine, which was spectacular. Ya know, a whole lot of people desperately want to work in the rc business. I say that because I was cruising some rc videos on YouTube [...]


THE Cub Report – Icky Thump

Well hola there rc fans, welcome to my tiny lil’ weekly write-up in the rc world, something called THE Cub Report. I am going to keep it short and sweet this week (a promise I nearly always break), but I do have a couple things I would like to mention… First up is some news from our Smash & Crash Ultra-Bash [...]

