For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Cubby with TP199 Truck at TORC

THE Cub Report – Do You Do Any Tricks?

Well hello there to one and all, thanks for once again joining us for another Cub Report. Over the weekend we got to hang out near the mecca of rc, Champaign Illinois, for Horizon Hobby’s RC Fest. Last year they held the event down in Orlando Florida, which by all accounts was a success for a first year show. This year [...]


Buffalo Stance Cubby

THE Cub Report – Shady’s Back

Well hello there fellow hobbyist, welcome to THE freak’n Cub Report. I hope your Monday is going well and that you didn’t destroy too much of your fleet over the weekend. Ya, we may have kept our first “Thursday Night Live” broadcast a bit under the radar, but it went unexpectedly well. Therefore, we are going to keep at it. You [...]


Cubby Video

THE Cub Report – 3 Day Weekends…

Hopefully you are off work and getting ready for an evening BBQ, or a day out bashing your cars, or better still, both. And while most of you know what Memorial Day is for, for those of you that do not, it is the day that we remember those that paid the ultimate price so that you and I can [...]


Cubby Booth Babe

THE Cub Report – It’s Get’n Interesting Now

Well hello there rc fans, here we are again for another wonderful week in the rc hobby. With any luck you were able to pull some serious trigger over the weekend. I was also able to pull some trigger, running for nearly two days straight with the new Traxxas TRX-4. Our unboxing pics went live today and, if I really [...]


THE Cub Report – Here Comes Surface FPV

Well hello there friends, welcome to THE Cub Report. I trust you had a great weekend filled with loads of trigger time, as well as at least a couple of hours chill’n with the person that brought you into this world. By popular demand, I gotta crowbar some Feld Supercross in here. Yes, I know it was an off week as [...]


Cubby Helmet

THE Cub Report – Conspiracy of One

Well hello there rc fans, welcome to this week’s Cub Report. Truthfully, I don’t remember how long the CR has been around, perhaps one of you super fans can look it up, but for a whole bunch of years THE Cub Report has been kick’n off your week with rc talk, rumors, and outright smack talk. Btw, bonus points to [...]


cubby typhon

THE Cub Report – The Traxxas TRX-4 Cometh

Well hello there friend, thanks for stopping by to check out BigSquidRC. While you are here, you might as well check out this week’s Cub Report. So here we go… And the biggest news from last week goes to… Traxxas releasing what was essentially all the juicy details on the upcoming TRX-4 Scale and Trail Crawler. Up until 9 am CST [...]


Cubby Quadcopter Shovel

THE Cub Report – Doowutchyalike

Hello one and all, welcome to Traxxas Ford GT week at BigSquidRC. Ok, so it’s nothing official, but we will have a lot of Ford GT coverage starting with an unboxing, then the review, then hopefully some video to boot. I can hear a bunch of you guys out there saying “We don’t care about no stink’n on road car!”, but [...]


Flying Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Life In The Fast Lane

Ya know, life isn’t all about rc. Well, it mostly is, but if you go 100% at rc all the time, you will get burnt out. That’s why it is prudent to enjoy other sports, hobbies, and racing. Especially right now. I say that because both F1 and the Feld Supercross Series are having freak’n incredible seasons. With just 3 [...]


Hobbico Natalie Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Brothers

I think maybe I’ve touched on this subject before, but I feel the need to talk about it again. I do a lot of motorcycle riding, and while riding on-road, there is a whole lot of brotherhood going on. While riding an on-road motorcycle, while there is some politics to it, you basically wave at every other motorcycle you meet, [...]



THE Cub Report- A Roadblock Named Reed

Hello one and all, here we go with this week’s Cub Report. First up, I have to mention the Feld Supercross series, it really is getting good this year. For those of you that attended or watched the last round from St Louis, you already know that Eli Tomac crushed the field, but that Ryan Dungey and Chad Reed stole [...]


Road Trip Cubby

THE Cub Report- For The Tifosi

Oh yes race fans, Formula 1 season is underway. If you’ve read THE Cub Report for any length of time, you already know I am a huge F1 fan. In recent years, I’ve been rather quiet about F1 though, strictly because even I was tired of knowing the results before the races even started. However… 2017 looks like a whole [...]


Cubby Dinner

THE Cub Report- And Then There Was One…

Well howdy there all ya rc maniacs, welcome to this week’s Cub Report. It is Not new, it is Not improved, it simply is what it is. And here we go… Life in the print biz is tough now days. A tiny lil’ thing call the internet came blasting onto the scene and created all sorts of havoc for the newspaper [...]


Statue Of Cubby

THE Cub Report- Jump, Crash, Wrench, Repeat

Whoop, here it is, this week’s Cub Report. If you are new, welcome aboard for the ride, if you are an old schooler, nice to see you again, if you are a hater, you aren’t the first, nor will you be the last. Lets get started by jumping right in… Yo, March Bashness is getting super close. As I mentioned last [...]


Cubbys harem

THE Cub Report – So You Wanna Be A Hooligan

Well howdy there all you rc fanatics, I hope you had unseasonably warm temps over the weekend to get your bash on. Locally we’ve been truly blessed with insanely warm weather, perfect for allowing us to gather up our Bash Crew to flog our personal trucks. First up this week is a mention about our upcoming “March Bashness” contest. Oh yes, [...]

