For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Cubby with big woman

THE Cub Report, Version- Kiss The Ring

Hello there rc fans, welcome to another Cub Report. What is THE Cub Report? Mostly rambling, mostly (but not all) about rc, mostly smack talk, but always a good way to blow 15 minutes. While I would love to go on yet another epic rant, there were some interesting product releases last week that I would like to talk about. IMO the [...]


Cubby Smile

THE Cub Report- Moving Forward

Hello to one and all, thanks for stopping by to check out yet another Cub Report. We are getting a break in the weather here in the Midwest, we hope your weather is allowing you to get in some trigger time too. I am gonna go old school again this week, here are my notes from some of the more prominent [...]


Cubby Traxxas X-Maxx Whoopsee

THE Cub Report – Weed, Toke It Up

Hello one and all, I hope you all had a great weekend out bashing with your friends. Welcome to yet another week in the hobby and to another funtabulous Cub Report. A few weeks ago I learned than an acquaintance of mine had been banned from his local indoor track. That didn’t surprise me as he has been banned from a [...]


Cubby Adam Booth Babes

THE Cub Report – Traxxas On The Attack

Here we go folks with another tantalizing week in our wonderful hobby. With every week that passes we get that much closer to spring. I for one can’t wait for the cold weather to disappear (only to be replaced by 90 degree temps with 90% humidity). Thanks for joining us on Big Squid, let’s jump right in shall we? Yup… it’s [...]


Randy's Donut Cubby

THE Cub Report – I HATE Cheaters

Ya know what? Everybody hates cheaters, but me in particular, I absolutely loathe them. They are lower than a quadcopter’s price at a gas station and deserve every bad thing that happens to them. For example… a bunch of years back I was racing at an indoor track in Albion Illinois (the name was Rectors I think?). This was in Southern [...]


Statue Cubby

THE Cub Report – Rampant Bashing

Hello there fellow hobbyists, I trust you got your week off to an awesome start and thanks for once again reading THE Cub Report. I don’t know how many of you follow Supercross, but I have been an avid racer/rider since the mid 70s and Anaheim II was one heck of a spectacle last weekend. The invincible Ken Roczen found [...]



THE Cub Report – I Told YOU So

Oh yes, this Cub Report has been a long time coming. I have held off for quite some time, but it had to be written, so here it is. The first paragraph, well, about 99.99% of you can simply skip because you’ll have no idea what I am talking about, but to the .01% of people in the industry that [...]


Big Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version – Squid Defined

Hello to everyone out in rc land, welcome to this week’s Cub Report. I am finally recovering from all the excitement around A1 where The Suit K-Roc took the win in dominating fashion, backing up that he can wear whatever he wants to press conferences. The Dunge put in a solid ride, Marvin was hot on his heels, and El [...]


Footwear Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Hello There 2017!

With today being January 2, I hope all of you are fully recovered from your raucous New Year’s Eve celebration. Mine was spent with a bunch of kids running around my house, kids that were amped-up on fruit punch and candy bars. Yes, it was wild, but thankfully my house still stands. After talking to a bunch of different people in [...]


President Cubby

THE Cub Report- The Year That Was 2016

So here we are folks, another year is in the books. I guess if you are a young fella, the year went by slowly, but for us old farts, it seemed to blow right by. Here is my look back on 2016, yet another wild year in the rc hobby. In industry news… Drones, drones, and more drones. These 4 rotored hornets [...]


In N Out Cubby

THE Cub Report – Not Joking Around

Well howdy there pardners, happiest of Mondays to you and I hope you aren’t sitting in an ice box like we are. The weather here has totally gone out the window, something that I wish a lot more southerners would experience. There is 8 inches of snow outside and the high yesterday was zero. The HIGH was ZERO. Conditions like [...]


Cardinals Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Enough Is Always Too Little

Hello rc fans, welcome to this week’s Cub Report. I trust you are all dialed in for the X-Mas season and that you’ve been a good boy (or girl!) all year to get that special remote control gift under the tree on Christmas morning. While there is a normally a lull in the big rc news from just before Black Friday [...]


Gun Range Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version – IFMAR, Wheelies, Anger

So… there was a video that got the internet all riled up last week, one that even I can’t resist but to comment on. Ya, you’ve probably seen it already, it was a video of Josh Cyrul pulling trigger on a 2S powered 1/12th pan car and he makes some controversial remarks about IFMAR. It seems that IFMAR has now [...]


LiPo Cubby

THE Cub Report – All I Want Is… Everything

Hello there friend, you have found yet another edition of THE Cub Report. This week is my annual “What the BSRC Bash Crew wants for Christmas” edition. Yes indeed, each year I shuffle around the office to find out what vehicle all the members of our bash crew would want if price is no object. Why do I do this? [...]


Full Metal Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- It’s Becoming A Small World

I am soooo looking forward to a short week, hopefully you are too. Although, I still imagine I’ll be driving (or flying) some sort of rc every single day this week. As I write this Iron Mikeee is charging up packs so we can work on our Tekno MT410 review, one of several new vehicles we’ll be abusing this week. Oh, [...]

