For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Cubbys harem

THE Cub Report, Version – Jaded

So here we are, just you and me (ok, and a few thousand other people) for this week’s Cub Report. Kick back, relax, and get ready to get your scroll on. First up… In case you haven’t seen it in the “featured” part of our website directly above, you can still get in an entry for our Pro-Line Wipeout Video Contest. [...]


Cubby Spokemodel

THE Cub Report, Version- The Fast And The Furious

Well hello there rc fans, happy Monday to you and welcome to this week’s Cub Report. As you have already seen on our website, the BSRC Bash Crew hit the world famous SEMA Show last week. Year after year we have talked about going, because every year something big in the rc world seemed to happen there, so this year we [...]


Las Vegas Cubby

THE Cub Report- Winter Is Coming

Just like in “A Game Of Thrones”, Winter Is Coming, it is inevitable. The question is, what are you going to do? For the racing crowd, winter is easy. It means you put away your 8th scale nitro burner and head to the nearest indoor track to race 1/10th scale buggy. For bashers, things aren’t so cut and dried. Bashers won’t [...]


The Cub Report Schaumburg

THE Cub Report- Electrifying Your Monday

Hello out there rc world, it is Monday, thus time for yet again another episode of what’s happening in Cubby’s world… First off… I am coming off a rather hectic weekend. Saturday was Red Bull’s Straight Rhythm motocross event at the Fairplex in Pomona California, while F1 made a stop in Austin Texas. Mercedes dominated the USGP, much like every other [...]


Big Cubby

THE Trump Report – Version 10.17.2016

Regardless of what the title to this week’s Cub Report may read, I am not voting for Trump. Yes, the title is simply click bait of the worst kind and I should be ashamed of myself (but of course I am not). So who will I be pulling the trigger for on November 8th? That would be… wait for it… [...]


Cubby Booth Babe

THE Cub Report, Version- Movin On Up

Happy Monday to one and all, it’s about time to kick off your week with yet another Cub Report. If you are not blind, then you’ve probably already noticed the large A Main Hobbies banner all along the left hand side of our website. We are pretty stoked to have A Main Hobbies on board and look forward to working with [...]


Cubby with big woman

THE Cub Report, Version- Endlessly Qualifying, Rarely Racing

Well hello there friends, my name is Cubby and this is my report. Welcome to yet another week in our beloved hobby of rc. To start off with… If you have read my column for any length of time, then you already know how I feel about IFMAR world’s events. In case you haven’t heard, a bunch of the world’s best are [...]


Cubby Smile

The Cub Report- Wipeout 2097 Edition

Hello there fellow rc fans, it is Monday and welcome to this week’s Cub Report. Up first… hummmm…. how about that new Drone Racer from Kyosho? Ok, so you are a “surface guy” and just skipped that post on our front page, so Here Is The Link to help bring you up to speed. You know, I hate quads/drones/multi-rotors, but even I [...]


Cubby Booth Babe Craig

THE Cub Report, Version- First Time At The Track

I could see it coming a mile away. I have been down that road million times. What am I talking about? I was at the track last week working on a review and a basher showed up who had never driven on a track before. Oh my, it used to be funny to watch a first time track guy blow [...]



THE Cub Report, Version- Just Don’t Do It

No matter if you are at a local bash spot, trail, track, or rock pile, there are just some things you shouldn’t do. Here is a list I have compiled of things that I have seen Joe Blow bashers (and even guys on our Bash Crew) actually do, that probably aren’t a good idea… While at the local track testing… just [...]


Sunglass Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Aftermarket Remorse

Hello and happy Labor Day to everyone out in rc land. Ok, if you are an American you are stoked, Labor Day means a three day weekend. If you live outside the states, Labor Day is a day that American’s use to eat loads of BBQ, drink a lot of rot-gut beer, and get one last swim in the pool [...]


rc bashing with Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Steppin’ To The A.M.

Hello all and welcome to this week’s Cub Report. I personally had a weekend that pretty much could not be beaten. I got to watch some of the uber pros at the Futaba Nitro Challenge, watched a ton of F1/AMA MX/FIM MXGP/UFC, and got in some much needed trigger time with the new Pro-Line Ambush Scale Crawler. Yes indeed, life [...]


THE Notorious Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- On The Verge

Yes indeed my friends, it is that time of year. What time is that? Well yes, indoor season is on the horizon, but mostly for us people in the industry, it is time for all the Christmas time product announcements. The announcement of all the new products that will hit at Christmas time is a big dealio. Let’s face it, [...]


THE Cub Report 11.26.2012

THE Cub Report, Version- In Kinwald We Trust

Ya know, racing is a significant part of our hobby. In fact, it used to be uber important. Now days, or at least since most people started using the internet, that has changed a bit. In the old days dinosaur media made it seem like everyone raced, or at the very least everyone should be racing. Thankfully, thanks to the [...]


LiPo Cubby

THE Cub Report – Ingrid Is A Hybrid

Well hello there, I am me, you are you, and this is THE Cub Report. This week life is gonna be tough as both the AMA outdoor motocross series and F1 are on their Summer breaks. Back in the day I was the guy risking life and limb while racing, now days I have to sit back in the easy [...]

