For Bashers, By Bashers!

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traxxas spokesmodel

THE Cub Report, Version- When Hell Freezes Over

No doubt, you’ve probably noticed that we’ve got a new advertiser here on Big Squid, a little company from Texas known as Traxxas. “Some people” have said that Hell would freeze over before they would advertise with us, in that case, Hades must be looking for his Isthmus Parka about now. Needless to say, it was about time that the [...]


THE Notorious Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version – If I Had The Money…

Hello to one and all, it is yet again another wonderful day in the rc neighborhood. Last weekend I did something I rarely do, which was not get in one minute of trigger time. I was away on family business (read- a funeral), so I did not drive one rc car all weekend. However, all the fun family festivities (read- [...]



THE Cub Report – Speak With Your Wallet

Well hello there rc fanatics, industry peeps, first day noobs, and grumpy old timers, welcome to THE Cub Report. What is THE Cub Report? A lot of rambling I guess, but really it is about just whatever strikes my mood, which sometimes even means talking about the wonderful world of rc. Okay, so you can’t miss our coverage of the 2016 [...]



THE Cub Report – Pokemon GO Edition!

Ok, so I hate Pokemon passionately, but my son is all about them. He has seen every movie, watched every tv episode, and of course, goes to school daily with a couple dozen Pokemon cards in his backpack. Naturally, the minute Pokemon GO was unleashed on the world he asked (read- forced) a parental figure (read- me) to put it [...]


cubby typhon

THE Cub Report, Version- Happy Birthday America

Well hello there ‘Merica, happy birthday to you. If you are an American, you’ll enjoy a day of drinking, shooting off fireworks, grilling outside, and if you get lucky enough, even some trigger time (either gun or rc). If you are outside the states, yes, us wacky Americans really kick the party up a notch on Independence Day, celebrating the [...]


Long Jump Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Paying The Iron Price

Happy Monday to everyone out there in rc land, I trust you all had a great weekend. As per the norm, your friendly, lovable Cub Reporter had an interesting weekend. I got the weekend started off by busting out a ton of laps with the latest edition of the ARRMA Typhon buggy, then got in even more laps with one [...]


Las Vegas Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Abacab

Ya know, just minutes after I wrapped up writing THE Cub Report last week, the official PR came across the wire that Novak had decided to pull the plug. Much has already been written across the net about our hobby losing such an iconic name. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry has a long boring story about how their Cyclone, Super [...]


Gun Range Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- It’s Officially Unofficial

What’s up nerds, dorks, dweebs, and those of you that consider yourself “other” in the rc world, welcome to another wild week in the world of rc. Yup, it’s Monday, time for another Cub Report, kick your chair back and slip your reading glasses on… Ummmm… I didn’t get the memo, but I guess rock racing is a “thing” right now? [...]


Boat Man Cubby RC

THE Cub Report, Version- As Father’s Day Looms

Just so ya know, good ole’ Father’s Day isn’t that far away. For those of you lucky enough to still have your Father around, you should up your game a bit to make sure this Father’s Day is one of the best ones yet. If your Father isn’t with us, I bet you know someones else’s that deserves something nice, [...]


Smiling Cubby Reporter

THE Cub Report, Version- Anti-Social Media

Hello one and all, welcome to this week’s Cub Report. While I certainly hope your 3 day weekend is jovial and filled with BBQ’ed brats and ice cold beer, let’s not forget all those people that gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country. The home of the brave and the land of free speech… Speaking of free speech, I see an [...]


THE Notorious Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- All Hail To Nero

After holding our lips for so long, now we can finally talk about ARRMA’s new monster truck, the Nero. Wheewwwww… there are some trucks that are pretty ho-hum, but holding back the Nero has been quite the experience. Why? Well just look at it, the Nero isn’t just another run-of-the-mill truck, ARRMA went all out on this one. So I am [...]


THE Notorious Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Go Epic Or Go Home

Hello everyone and happy Monday to you. As the rc world keeps on spin’n we watch the cars come and go, the new tech become old, and broken parts hit the trash bin. Oh ya, welcome to this week’s Cub Report. So… over the weekend the BigSquidRC Bash Crew put on a long jump contest. We hadn’t held a dedicated [...]


Cubby with big woman

THE Cub Report, Version- ‘Cause That’s How You Get Ants

Ya know, the weather here today is downright dreadful. However, it is the start of an all new and improved week in the rc world. But wait there’s more! And better yet, Monday brings on yet another Cub Report. Sit back, get comfortable, and get the lawyers on speed dial, here is this week’s Cub Report. So what’s going on with [...]


Cubby Smile

THE Cub Report, Version- Jon Snow Lives!

So here we are folks, I am soooo sorry (not) if I spoiled this week’s GOT episode for you by the title. But yes indeed, Jon Snow lives again (we knew he would!!!). Ryan Dungey wrapped up yet another 450 Supercross title over the weekend, and there were a bunch of new releases in the rc world last week. So [...]


Las Vegas Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- New Power Generation

So here we are rc fans- yet another Monday and yet another Cub Report. What’s kick’n in the rc world? Ok, so I was out in SoCal last week doing my thing (read- massively overspending my travel budget) and was quite surprised to see the office that has been home to HPI Racing is now up for lease. No, there have [...]

