For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Cubby Quadcopter Shovel

THE Cub Report, Version- Post Bash Thoughts…

Hello everyone out in rc land, I trust you had an awesome weekend. Mine was pretty much off the charts with getting to watch the STL Supercross in person, picking up yet another new car on Friday night, watching plenty of F1, and better still, on Sunday I got to spend some time bashing. On Sunday we put on our big [...]


Wrench Bill and Cubby BigSquidRC

THE Cub Report, Version- Time To Bash

Hola rc world, time to get another week in the wonderful world of rc started. This week I have a couple things on the agenda… Hey, did ya know that we are holding our first big bash of the year this Sunday? If you did, great, you actually do read the site, if not, now ya do. The event is called [...]


Cubby Optima

THE Cub Report – Version, 4×4=12

Well hello there rc world, with any luck you were able to get outside and enjoy some good weather over the weekend (and get in some trigger time too!). As the picture above shows, the BSRC Bash Crew certainly had a good time, bashing (read- abusing) a bunch of review products and hang’n with lots of good people. About that picture [...]


Traxxas Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- What Is This Hobby Coming To?

Hummmmm… the rc world is so boring, I wonder what we should talk about this week… Oh ya, I guess I can talk about the one and only thing the rc community is melting down over right now, BigSquidRC’s March Bashness! Ok, so ya, March Bashness kicks ass and you really should be voting until your fingers bleed, but I guess [...]


Speed Run Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Lessons I Have Learned…

At a bash over the weekend, I witnessed something peculiar. I’ve been in the hobby since the Earth cooled, but I had never seen this before. A youngster drove his Vaterra Ascender over to my pit area, sat his transmitter down, then walked away to meet up with his Dad. 45 minutes later, he came back over, picked up his [...]


Buffalo Stance Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Ka Ching, Ca$h Money!

Whoaaaaa… did you happen to catch the big FPV drone race in Dubai called the World Drone Prix 2016 last weekend? If you did, and if you are anything like me, then your head probably exploded when the dollar figures were dropped. Hey, this is rc, there are no dollars here, so what am I talking about? How about a [...]


THE Cub Report 11.26.2012

THE Cub Report, Version- Let’s Race

So it was my bad, I thought it would be a good idea to check out the ROAR 1/10th carpet nats over the weekend. Sure, the event was held in at a primo track. Sure it had a bunch of big name factory shoes in attendance. Sure there was all sorts of high-tech rc goodness there. But what it was [...]


THE Notorious Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Smiling Sideways

Yes, I know today only exists once every four years, yet here we are with another Cub Report. Sometimes THE Cub Report is about news, sometimes it is about racing, heck, sometimes it is even about rc. Ok, so most of you bashing types have never heard of Jilles Groskamp, but he is a big league on-road racer who recently announced [...]



THE Cub Report, Version- Watch Us Build A Friend Just Like Y…

Well hello there friend, welcome to a bright new week in rc and yet another Cub Report. Hopefully you had a good weekend filled with rc, Supercross from Texas, and some good (UFC) and not so good (Bellator) MMA action. You probably saw Brian throw up a big “Welcome Aboard” post about RC4WD last week. Yes, we are pretty stoked to [...]


Cold Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- THE Cubby Class

Is it really up to me? Do I have to do everything? Some times I think so… I say that because of a convo I had last week with one of the bigger names in the industry. He shot me an email to pick my mind on how to fix rc racing. He knows I am a long ball/big picture type [...]



THE Cub Report, Version- No Sleep Till Brooklyn

So hello there neighbor, nice to see you again, welcome to THE Cub Report. If it is your first time here you should probably know that I am typically full of it, I love to stir the pot, and that I never use sarcasm tags. With that said, here we go… Oh yes, the SX season is getting even better. Webb [...]


Cubby Photo Bomb

THE Cub Report, Version- You Wreck Me

Well hello there, my name is Cubby and yours is not. This is THE Cub Report, sometimes a weekly rant, sometimes just a bunch of totally made up stuff, but always full of “it”. Glad you made it, lets dive in… Damn, Ryan Dungey is crushing it. He won his third straight AMA Supercross Saturday night in Oakland, now some moto [...]


Cubby AMA Motocross National

THE Cub Report, Version- Everybody Wants To Rule The World

Well hello there friend it has been a whole week, welcome back to THE Cub Report. This week I’ll keep the water cooler fodder to a minimum and just make up a few things as I go… First up, Formula 1 season can’t get here soon enough. While AMA Supercross kicks off early in the year (along with the Dakar rally), [...]


Big Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Battle For The Ages

Hello to one and all, the time has finally come for yet another Cub Report. Yes indeed, it is once again time for a wonderfully sarcastic look at the hobby via my warped eyes. I trust you all had a great weekend of pulling trigger with as little wrenching as possible. Oh ya, last week I started out THE Cub Report [...]


Cubby Grin

Cubby Was Wrong, Kingstar Is Alive and Well

We have just received official word that Cubby Was Wrong about the rumor he posted in last week’s Cub Report about KingStar closing their doors. The fact is that Kingstar is alive, well, and still producing many of your favorite hobby products. When we confronted Cubby about the fact he was flat out wrong about Kingstar he said, “Hey, I [...]

