For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Cubby Traxxas X-Maxx Whoopsee

THE Cub Report, Version- Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Good morning, good evening, good whatever time it is where you are, welcome to another edition of THE Cub Report. This week I have no one theme, I am going old school with a bunch of different topics. So without further ado, lets jump right in… The 2016 AMA Supercross Series got off to a bang Saturday night in Anaheim don’t [...]


Cubby Helmet

THE Cub Report, Version- Oh Those New Year’s Resolutions

Hello sport fans, it is Monday, the time when industry types and first day noobs gather around their computers (ok, tablets & smartphones) to read THE Cub Report. The year kicked off with a bang here at the offices with our Bash Vehicle Of The Year announcement (which turned out to be the Losi 5IVE Mini WRC) and for industry [...]


rc bashing with Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Bash Vehicle Of The Year Finalists

Hello there everyone, I trust that you had a most splendid Christmas. Like most hobbyists, I hope you got to unwrap at least one rc oriented gift, but if not, hopefully it was because your rc garage was already full. As we enter the last week of 2015, things start getting tense around the BSRC offices. The last week of 2015 [...]


Cubby Smile

THE Cub Report, Version- What I Really Think of the X-Maxx

Hello rc people, hello world, it is indeed time for another Cub Report. Like some of you, I’ve gotten in some serious time with the new Traxxas X-Maxx. We posted our unboxing shots this morning and later this week we’ll drop our full review. While our reviews are the culmination of what all of our testers think of a particular vehicle, [...]


Statue Of Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Year In Reivew, 2015

So here we are folks, another year is nearly a wrap. I sure hope 2015 has been as good to you as it has been to us. So like I do every year, here is a look at 2015 from my eyes… Lets start with the “Big Hitters” shall we… Hobbico- A relatively quiet year from the Hobbico line of products. Axial [...]


The Cub Report Schaumburg

THE Cub Report, Version- The Used

Hello everyone and welcome to THE Cub Report. All you hobby shop employees are working your tails off during peak X-Mas season, just as the people are at the distributors and manufacturers. Kudos for your hard work and long hours, and just remember, the post X-Mas lull (until tax refund checks arrive) is nearly here. So here we go… Last week [...]


Cubby Grin

THE Cub Report, Version- The Only Constant Is Change

Hello one and all, I hope you had a most splendid Thanksgiving. Sadly, just like most of you, I am back to the grind, but it has to be done to keep a nice roof over my head and plenty of Dom in the cellar. Just like the song says, breaking up is hard to do. Whether it be the girl [...]


Pitrow Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Enough New Cars

Hey now everyone. Whether you be a notorious industry insider, or a first day noob, here is a hearty welcome to THE Cub Report. While I was out in Cincy last week I ran across some guys bashing in a parking lot. I don’t see guys just out bashing all that often, so of course I had to pull my rental [...]


Boat Man Cubby RC

THE Cub Report- The RC Version Of Ronnie Mac

Hello rc’ers, hello dignitaries, hello world, welcome to the latest and greatest edition of THE Freak’n Cub Report. This week is a special treat, my annual “What the BSRC Bash Crew Wants for Christmas” edition. Yup, if you are a frequent reader, and I know you are, every year I ask the crew what rc car/product they would like to [...]


Reverend Cubby 1

THE Cub Report, El Version- Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Vi…

Hello to one and all out in rc land, it’s another Monday which means Cub Report day to all you industry types. What shall we talk about around the water cooler today? A little bit of this, and a little bit of that… Last week saw several new 1/10th 2wd buggy releases. TLR announced their V3.0 22 buggy to the world, [...]


Gun Range Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version: X-Maxx Mania

Hello to one and all, welcome to another wonderful week in the rc hobby. Hopefully you were able to get in some trigger time over the weekend, I know I sure did. So… what happened in rc news last week? Not much really, pretty ho-hum… Awwww, who am I kidding, the epic news was the Texas Titan Traxxas announcing the X-Max [...]


Traxxas Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Fun Comes In All Shapes & Sizes

Hey now to one and all, welcome to this week’s funtabulous Cub Report. I trust you are all ready for another wild week living the rc life. This week I have seemingly misplaced my “Wheel of Death”. The WOD basically has names on it like ROAR, Traxxas, and Associated, that I spin from time to time to see who I will [...]


Cubby Booth Babe Craig

THE Cub Report, Version- Out Of The Cellar

Hola and welcome to this week’s edition of THE Cub Report. Like several of the weeks preceding, myself and the Bash Crew have been off-the-hook busy, so seriously don’t expect much out of this CR, I have put absolutely zero thought into it (LOL). On the busy note, the manufacturers have been announcing X-Mas season new products like crazy, and the [...]


Cubbys harem

THE Cub Report, Version- Imbeciles For Making Atrocious Raci…

Hello you bashers, hola members of the rc industry, yes, it’s time for this week’s Cub Report. So many tasty things to talk about this week, where shall I start… How about those IFMAR Worlds in Japan? Wow, what a long event, it finally got over late last week, surely to the rejoice of the American drivers. Sure, the Americans [...]


Cubby Adam Booth Babes

THE Cub Report, Version- The Grass Is Always Greener (If It …

Ok, so if you bash you probably could care less about the IFMAR 1/10th Off-Road Worlds going on right now in Tsukuba, Japan. If fact you could probably care less about who wins, which manufacturer’s buggy was the fastest, etc. In theory, as a hobbyist you should, but you don’t because it’s so alien to you. They (racers at the [...]

