For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Cubby's Place

THE Cub Report, Platinum/Carbon-Fiber/Uber’d Out Edition

First off this week I would like to say get well soon to a couple of people. First off is all around RC good guy RJ Blaisdell. In case you haven’t heard already, RJ had a very serious stroke a few weeks ago. I haven’t heard the latest on his recovery, but here is to hoping he gets back to [...]


Fort Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- International Man of Mystery

Hello rc fans from across this great nation and all around the world, you’ve just been busted reading THE Cub Report (again). What’s on my mind? Who cares really, what’s on your mind? Nothing you say? Well here is something to get that cranium of yours cranking. FPV, first person view, you know what I’m talking about here, has been doing well [...]


Cubby Flying Field

The Cub Report, Version- Shootout Time!

Yes folks, we’ve kept this one pretty quiet, but This Friday we will be posting our Brushed 2wd Short Course Truck Shootout. This one has been a long time coming that’s for sure. Short course trucks have been hot for nearly a decade now, so we decided it was well past time to take arguably the top 4 2wd short [...]


Cubby Photo Bomb

THE Cub Report, Version- Enema of the State

I certainly hope you’ve been having a bash-tastic Memorial Day weekend thus far. In case you’ve been living under a rock (and some people actually get it wrong), Memorial Day is a day for remembering all those that died while serving in our armed forces. If it wasn’t for them, you and I wouldn’t be sitting here enjoying all the [...]


Cubby Toledo Weak Signals

THE Cub Report, Version- Didn’t See That One Coming…

We really messed up this time, and by “we” I mean a whole lot of people in the traditional rc industry. We totally underestimated the entire quadcopter/drone phenomenon. What could have been a cash cow, a savior to our industry, many of us basically looked at as yet another small fad. Instead it has turned into a behemoth. In case you [...]


Cubby Handy Manny

THE Cub Report, Version- Why I Stopped Racing

If you’ve been reading THE Cub Report for any period of time, then you know back in the early days about all I ever talked about was racing. Yes, I drank the Kool Aid, for most of my life rc was solely about racing. It was what the magazines had preached, it was what the manufacturers preached, and it was [...]


Cubby Booth Babe

THE Cub Report, Version- Driving A Piece of Garbage

So… over the weekend I loaded up all my gear and met up with the BSRC Bash Crew. They are truly a bunch of mis-fits, but they all are extremely hardcore about their bashing. Their cars/trucks are fully prepped for a beating, they love driving all day long, and they are all about going bigger and harder than the next [...]


Cubby EXO quote

THE Cub Report, Version- The Newest Version of the Old Me

Aloha one and all, welcome to THE Flip’n Cub Report. Love it or hate it, it’s what all the industry types are talking about around the water cooler on Monday mornings. Hey, the Texas behemoth aka as Traxxas announced some new products at the table-top show in Vegas last week. Their two new trucks, the Skully and the Craniac, aren’t big [...]


Cubby Parma

THE Cub Report, Version- I Hate Nitro, But…

If you’ve read the CR for any period of time, you clearly know I have a passionate hatred of nitro. It stems from years of watching T-Maxx drivers grind away on “easy starts” with no success, or even when they could get the engine to pop to life, actually sitting the truck on the ground was the kiss of death, [...]


Cubby Horizon AVC

THE Cub Report, 04.12.2015, Version- Understanding Brushless

Last week one of my minions working in the industry shot me a link to a new “blog”. In that particular blog, the writer talked a whole lot about brushless power systems, but mainly about BL motors. Post after post talked about things like how to rebuild a brushless motor, how to service a brushless motor, how to upgrade the [...]


Cubby Booth Babe Craig

THE Cub Report, 04.06.2015, Version- Fixing On-Road Racing

Just in case you haven’t gotten the memo, On-Road racing here in America is F#&$%@!. Why do I say that? Turn outs at local races are abysmal, and even their national events have turned into a joke. And yes of course I am going to give you examples. In my local area, one of the biggest metros in the USA [...]


Cubbys harem

THE Cub Report- 03.29.2015, Version- Things The Wifey Hates.…

Lets face it, most bashers are men, and while a wife or girlfriend is a neccessity in life, a good one can be hard to find. Specifically by “good one” I mean one that puts up with her man being an rc hobbyist. For example… My wife absolutely hates it when I bake tires off the rim in our oven. Actually, I [...]


Traxxas Cubby

THE Cub Report, 03.23.2015, Version- I Never Thought I Would…

I never thought I would say it, but I think the only company that can fix rc racing is Traxxas. If you ever hit one of their rc races at a TORC event, they kept it real- REAL fun and REAL laid-back, like rc racing should be. I never thought I would say it, but driving a car with a sound [...]


Cubby Photo Bomb

THE Cub Report, 03.16.2015, Version- Spectatorgate ’15

Ya know, I would really like to just report something on bashing. However, once again this week, the racing world has lost their minds, which sorta makes the bash world seem so boring. I mean, I can go bashing for weeks on end and never get into an argument or even see anyone mad, that certainly is not the case [...]


Cubby iHobby Truck Give away

THE Cub Report, 03.09.2015, Version- My Posse’s on Broadway

What in the hell is wrong with the racing crowd? Why do I say that? Ok, we already knew the majority of racers have turned into raging a&*hats, but here is further proof. One of our guys (read- Brian) was at a race over the weekend. He went to take some pics, hang with industry types, etc. During one of [...]

