For Bashers, By Bashers!

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THE Cub Reporter

THE Cub Report – Purgatory Never Ends

Hola rc hobbyists from around the globe, you have indeed found THE Cub Report. Here in ‘Merica it is Memorial Day, which is a day that everyone takes off to remember those that gave their lives for our freedom. Right now many places are “re-opening”, which means more local hobby shops are finally getting a chance to crack their door [...]


Cubby with TP199 Truck at TORC

THE Cub Report – Scale Invasion

Hello there fellow rc fanatics, welcome to another wonderful week in the rc biz. Covid is still the major talking point among industry insiders, but finally some parts of the world are returning to “normal”. For those of you still in the grips, we pray for you, for those that are in areas that have been “reopened”, be well out [...]


Cubby And Girls iHobby

THE Cub Report – Who’s Had Whom?

Hello fellow remote control hobbyist, thanks for visiting BigSquidRC, the little website that could. As always, the rc industry keeps on rolling, and with many cities starting to “open up” again, life might be going back to “normal” sooner, rather than later. I can only imagine how Covid-19 will go down in the history of our hobby once it is all [...]


Cubby Booth Babe

THE Cub Report – Fully Sent

Hola there rc hobbyists, industry types, and/or people who clicked the wrong link, welcome to this week’s Cub Report. First up, I would like to welcome to the crew at RPM as one of our website supporters. If you are old school, I certainly don’t have to tell you who RPM is, but if you are new to the hobby, RPM [...]


Airplane Cubby

THE Cub Report- Are We There Yet?

Well hello there rc world, thanks for making it over to BigSquidRC. The rc industry keeps on truck’n, while the rest of the world does its best with the Covid-19 pandemic. While some industries are really struggling right now, rc has had some bright spots, and it seems the new product announcements are picking up a bit! So, what’s the [...]


Statue Cubby

THE Cub Report – Social Distancing Since Birth

Well hello there fellow hobbyists, I hope you and your family members are well. The BigSquidRC Bash Crew has been doing fine, we’ve all been doing the social distancing thing to keep healthy, and, so far, so good. Shall we jump right on in??? So… you would think that the Covid-19 pandemic would be a crusher to the rc hobby. And [...]


Cubby Quadcopter Shovel

THE Cub Report – Pale Blue Dot

Well hello there fellow rc enthusiast, my name is Cubby and this is my report. Each week I like to go over “the big stuff” in the rc news, then add my crazy slant on the rc biz. So… while Covid-19 is making a mess of the world, the rc biz just keeps on cranking out the good stuff. So [...]


Infraction Cubby

THE Cub Report – Nearing the Apogee

Well hello there fellow rc enthusiast, thanks for coming over to BigSquidRC to check things out. I use THE Cub Report each week to talk about happenings in the industry, new product releases, as well as other non-sense. No need to wait, let’s dive on in… First up, believe it or not, we are nearing the apogee for the SARS-CoV2 virus. [...]


Sunglass Cubby

THE Cub Report – So What Now???

Yes indeed people, so what now? I’ll tell ya what, now is the time to chill, but this time won’t last long in the grand scheme of things. Before we know it, the rc industry, as well as America as whole, will be back to 100%. I am actually enjoying a few days of downtime, but certainly can’t wait for [...]


Boat Man Cubby RC

THE Cub Report – Way More Fun Than Covid-19

Holy freak’n smokes, in the last 7 days, it seems like the entire world has changed. We’ve gone from one lifestyle, to another (self distancing/staying at home), and we don’t really know when things will be “back to normal”. Boy, I would guess that we should be seeing better times a month from now, but who even knows at this [...]


Track Cubby

THE Cub Report – Corona Virus Fever

Hello there fellow rc fanatic, we’ve put yet another week into the history books. Without further ado, lets have a look at some of the big news from last week. With the Rocky Mountain Hobby Expo no longer with us, the BSRC Bash Crew has been getting all stoked up for RCX in Southern California (was scheduled for April). But whoa, [...]


Hawaiian Chris Cubby

THE Cub Report – The RC Week In Review

Here we are folks, another week in rc, is now in the books. As we finish up Q1, here are some of the biggest news and tidbits from last week. But first, I just gotta speak out about the AMA Supercross season. If you haven’t been watching, 2020 has been one of the closest seasons ever, with the front runners [...]


Cubby Horizon AVC

THE Cub Report – About That Tesla Cybertruck…

Hello there fellow rc fanatic, thanks for clicking over to THE Cub Report. As the temps start to warm here in North America, the outdoor rc scene (which is mucho grande bigger than indoors) really starts to heat up. As more hobbyists head outdoors to test their winter builds, their mailboxes are starting to receive much anticipated tax return money. [...]



THE Cub Report – Line Up & Send It

Well hello there fellow rc fanatic, I am Cubby, and this is my weekly column about our hobby. As people start filling out their taxes here in the America, the rc industry is gearing up for the annual “spring bump” in sales that tends to go along with people getting money back from their taxes. Once consumers get those fancy [...]


Traxxas Cubby

THE Cub Report – AE At The Front Again?

Here we are folks, another beautiful week in the rc hobby. Thanks for making the jump over to BigSquidRC, one of the best rc news/reviews sites on the web (but that is JMO, LOL). For this week I’ll start off with… Back during my “heyday” of rc, Team Associated was known as the technology leader, but in recent years that was [...]

