For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Cubby Bashing

THE Cub Report, 03.02.2014, Version- Live Long and Prosper

In a valiant attempt to keep this week’s Cub Report terse, I’m going old school with some rants on last week’s news. First up, the $289 Pro-Line fuel stick. Wanna talk about rocking the boat? Wanna talk about getting some buzz going? When the price point was dropped on the new P-L fuel stick certain parts of the internet nearly melted [...]



THE Cub Report, 02.16.2015, Version- MOΛΩN ΛABE!

Ok, so who killed our industry’s largest annual trade show iHobby? Come on, raise your hand, one of you out there did it! But seriously, it is no secret that while consumers were still showing up in force, that most of the industry had abandoned the show in favor is other forms of marketing. Hence the reason there will not [...]


Cubby Quadcopter Shovel

THE Cub Report, 02.09.2015, Version- The New Normal (Part De…

There are tons of good people in our hobby, but we also have our fair share of old-school hard-heads. You know who I’m talking about, the people that had a meltdown against brushless motors and LiPo batteries, and are now losing their minds over scale realism. Last week we posted our review of the ESS-One Engine Sound module. While many hobbyists [...]


Hawaiian Chris Cubby

THE Cub Report, 02.02.2015, Version- From Germany With Love

I don’t know how you could not notice, but the big news last week was the Nuremburg Toy Fair in Germany. Our homeskillet Igor was there to get all the scoops so here is a brief (ya right) rundown of the show… Attendance- The Toy Fair once again proved they are the “Biggest” show in rc with rampant support from manufacturers [...]


Fat Cubby 2

THE Cub Report, 01.26.2014, Version- $100 Dollar Bill Ya’ll

Have ya done your taxes yet? Ok, if you are as lazy as I am then you have not, but at some point in the near future you will. So what ya gonna do with all that fat cash? Here is my list of the best rc related ways you spend your 2015 tax refund (not that I will be [...]


THE Cub Report, 01.19.2015, Version- Legacy

After completing a long, somber, mentally exhausting weekend at a relative’s funeral, it got me to thinking a whole lot about legacy. Certainly nobody lives forever, once we are gone what really matters? How many people that attended the funeral? When the last time someone speaks our name? What our kids accomplish? Or simply our legacy? Ya I know, a pretty [...]


Cubby RRCi Magazine

THE Cub Report- Headlines You Won’t Be Seeing This Year

When you visit BSRC you see lots of headlines, some about new cars, some about reviews, even some about changes within our industry. After some bench racing with the Bash Crew I now present to you some headlines you won’t be seeing in rc this year… “Traxxas Wins IFMAR World Championship!” – No, you’ll never be seeing this headline, Traxxas knows [...]


Cubby Booth Babe

THE Cub Report, 01.05.2014, Version- 7074lly 0u7 0f n3w 717l…

One of our friends, Tim Gluth over at, posted up a question last week that got my mind to thinking. His question was quite simple, “What is the best rc story from 2014?”, but I had a hard time actually coming up with an answer. However, after some more thinking (and a few Swarovski crystal flutes filled with Dom [...]

