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ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby – More Of Your Letters, More Of My Mumbo Jumbo

“HPI/Traxxas Merger Hey Cubby, Just saw the article about the possible HPI/Traxxas merger. If it’s true, what do you think that would mean not only for Traxxas, but for the industry as a whole? I hope that the HPI bodies would still be available and that maybe Traxxas would change some of their platforms. I know you’re position on racing, but HPI [...]


Traxxas Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- What Is This Hobby Coming To?

Hummmmm… the rc world is so boring, I wonder what we should talk about this week… Oh ya, I guess I can talk about the one and only thing the rc community is melting down over right now, BigSquidRC’s March Bashness! Ok, so ya, March Bashness kicks ass and you really should be voting until your fingers bleed, but I guess [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby- In Come The Questions, Out Goes My Sanity

“ASK Cubby Hey Cubby, As you know, I’m a big fan of Big Squid and this weekly piece. My question is about those beautiful wallpapers. What’s the deelee-o with the monthly calendar? Those images were going up on my desktop at work for the most of last year. Now I have a boring generic blue yawner. Any [...]


Speed Run Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Lessons I Have Learned…

At a bash over the weekend, I witnessed something peculiar. I’ve been in the hobby since the Earth cooled, but I had never seen this before. A youngster drove his Vaterra Ascender over to my pit area, sat his transmitter down, then walked away to meet up with his Dad. 45 minutes later, he came back over, picked up his [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby- Here Comes The Questions, There I Go Out The Door

“iHobby 2016….train edition? Cubby, What was the deal with iHobby this year? Kudos to Horizon for coming out, but literally everyone else but parma was a no show, including you guys. What gives? I had a few trucks in my car waiting to see if there was a place to run, but nothing. I was so excited to see all kinds of new stuff, [...]


Buffalo Stance Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Ka Ching, Ca$h Money!

Whoaaaaa… did you happen to catch the big FPV drone race in Dubai called the World Drone Prix 2016 last weekend? If you did, and if you are anything like me, then your head probably exploded when the dollar figures were dropped. Hey, this is rc, there are no dollars here, so what am I talking about? How about a [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby – Your Write The Questions, I Make Up The Answers

“Lipo charger shootout Have you done a lipo charger shootout for chargers with 2 outputs? Thank you Danny” Cubby- Hey ya Danny, shoot us your snail mail so we can get some stickers headed out your way. So… have we ever done a dual output battery charger shootout before? The answer is… yes, and no. We’ve only done one charger shootout and it included 6 [...]


THE Cub Report 11.26.2012

THE Cub Report, Version- Let’s Race

So it was my bad, I thought it would be a good idea to check out the ROAR 1/10th carpet nats over the weekend. Sure, the event was held in at a primo track. Sure it had a bunch of big name factory shoes in attendance. Sure there was all sorts of high-tech rc goodness there. But what it was [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, Version- More Honest Questions with Sketchy Answe…

“Regarding RC4WD Cubby: It’s nice to hear you are, at last, going to get your RC4WD project [and have another sponsor]. I’m a bit envious because their stuff certainly is eye candy. You might pass along to them that they annoy their customers and lose a lot of business because they are always “Out of Stock”. I owned a business [...]


THE Notorious Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- Smiling Sideways

Yes, I know today only exists once every four years, yet here we are with another Cub Report. Sometimes THE Cub Report is about news, sometimes it is about racing, heck, sometimes it is even about rc. Ok, so most of you bashing types have never heard of Jilles Groskamp, but he is a big league on-road racer who recently announced [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, Version- More Questions, More Fun

“fun class Hey Cubby, We built our small onroad track around a fun class. We’re using stock Vaterra onroad V100 cars with a 2S battery and getting a very positive response from the community around here. It’s affordable, fun, and competitive and there are some very sick bodies available. We still run a 17.5 sedan class, 2wd buggy class, a [...]



THE Cub Report, Version- Watch Us Build A Friend Just Like Y…

Well hello there friend, welcome to a bright new week in rc and yet another Cub Report. Hopefully you had a good weekend filled with rc, Supercross from Texas, and some good (UFC) and not so good (Bellator) MMA action. You probably saw Brian throw up a big “Welcome Aboard” post about RC4WD last week. Yes, we are pretty stoked to [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, Version- More Of My Weak Responses To Your Letter…

“First World Problems Hey Cubby, Anonymous Beaver here I’ve been back into the hobby for about four years now and as it goes my collection has grown and grown. It’s now starting to take up room in a few various spots in and around my house and garage. My question is how do you and the squid crew store your rigs? Any [...]


Cold Cubby

THE Cub Report, Version- THE Cubby Class

Is it really up to me? Do I have to do everything? Some times I think so… I say that because of a convo I had last week with one of the bigger names in the industry. He shot me an email to pick my mind on how to fix rc racing. He knows I am a long ball/big picture type [...]


ASK Cubby

ASK Cubby, Version- Going Above & Beyond To Make Up Answers

Traxxas recall Hey Cubby, what’s going on with the Traxxas velineon recall? Is my truck going to burn to the ground? Tony from New York” Cubby- Yooooo Tony, thanks for the letter, be sure to shoot me your home mailing address so we can send ya out a genuine BSRC sticker pack to paint some of your trucks with. So… about that “recall”. It [...]

