For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Cubby The Cub Report

THE Cub Report, 05.12.2014, Version- Woe, where is thy VW FO…

Hello rc world, nice to meet you, I’m Cubby and this is THE Cub Report. As you’ve seen from our front page we spent last week gallivanting around SoCal hitting up the makers and shakers of rc. Why would we do such a thing? That was the most frequent question asked by the manufacturers when we dropped by. As a reader/basher, [...]


The Cub Report

THE Cub Report, 05.05.2014, Version- Turning Races into War …

I just love it when a Cub Report writes itself, and I love it even more when someone actually agrees with one of my hard edged opinions. Last week Joseph Quagraine had this to say about the 11 day long IFMAR 8th scale buggy championships coming up later this year in Italy- “Hello, I am writing this as JQ the RC Driver, [...]


Cubby in Asian food market

THE Cub Report, 04.28.2014, Version- Who Made Who

Have you been to a bash this year? Ever? Well I just got back home from a bash and the scene looks alive and well, much better off than some other hobbies I am into. Have you seen the state of car audio or even off-road motorcycling lately? Compared to those, rc bashing is seriously kicking ass. If you haven’t [...]


Traxxas Cubby

THE Cub Report, 04.20.2014, Version- Der Kommissar of RC

This is “one of those weeks” where I haven’t been biting at the bit to rant about something all week long, so I’ll start off with some generic BSRC news and just go from there. Biggest rumor from last week? Another company is about 3 weeks away from announcing their upcoming gas powered machine. The HPI Octane is now looking like [...]


Cubby with TP199 Truck at TORC

THE Cub Report, 04.14.2014, Version- Fake Friends

I am not, nor never have been, or ever will be, a fan of Facebook. Early in the FB life cycle I looked at it as a very bad looking website with a number of fundamental flaws. The largest of the flaws being the cute little “friend” button. Why was that kid I barely knew in second grade hitting me [...]


Cubby Quadcopter Shovel

THE Cub Report, 04.07.2014, Version- Dereliction of Dialogue

I walked into my LHS the other day because I needed a part for a new car I have. I thought it would be a pretty simple request, the car is fairly popular and the part I had broken was nothing obscure, so I figured I had a pretty good shot at getting a replacement. Also, my LHS does not [...]


THE Cub Reporter

THE Cub Report, 03.31.2014, Version- All the Awful Things Th…

“Hey Cubby, who killed off scale short course buggies?” was the text message that woke me up wayyy too early last Tuesday morning. I guess one of my SoCal industry buddies thought that was a great question to get my day started, LOL. Don’t worry, I returned the favor yesterday morning (Sunday) to him, I’m quite certain he loved my [...]


Cubby Horizon AVC

THE Cub Report, 03.24.2014, Version- Zu schnell für Sie

A number of times our good friend Hawaiian Chris has come out to help us do vehicle reviews. First off it’s always good to get another opinion on a review, and second, he is super well versed on “everything rc” making him a great asset to have around. HC has been core into 5th scale, core into nitro, core into [...]


THE Cub Report, 03.17.2014, Version- Me & Ma Bell

A few days ago when getting home from a long trip, I noticed something on my front doorstep. I noticed it was a big plastic bag, and I was hoping it was not was not what I suspected it to be. I stopped my car and hopped out to investigate, and sure enough it turned out to be what I [...]


Cubby Losi

THE Cub Report, 03.10.2014, Version- Ya, That’s Me

Ya know that one guy that shows up to bash and brings 30 cars with him but never gets around to actually running one? Ya, you don’t want to be “That Guy”. Know the guy that shows up to bash running a 9,000kV motor on 8S and blows a CVD, spur, and idler, the very first time he squirts the gas? [...]


rc bashing with Cubby

THE Cub Report, 03.03.2014, Version- Rumors of My Demise Hav…

Mx/SX had a banner weekend for television coverage. The SX was live from Indy on Saturday night, then the MXGP from Qatar came on even later Saturday night, then coverage from the ArenaCross came on Sunday, as did an episode of SuperCross Behind the Dream on CBS. Wall to wall moto, I never thought it would happen, but it has, [...]


cubby with torc spoke-model

THE Cub Report, 02.24.2014, Version- Some People Lead, Some …

Recently, a big name IFMAR World Champ walked out on a race. After practice, he decided to picked up his stuff and just go home. Sounds like a uncool thing to do? Sound like a quitter to you? It might sound that way, but the racer, Jared Tebo, was worried about the health of his family, that’s why he loaded [...]


Cubby at Auto Show Monster Energy Mustang

THE Cub Report, 02.17.2014, Version- Yvan eht nioj

It is time for rc racing to get some freshening up, I mean, it is basically the same as it was the 80’s, THE 80’S! Nobody else rests on their laurels that long and for good reason, when you do, things get static and boring. And while turnouts at “big” races are doing well, local racing in many areas has [...]


Cubby with TP199 Truck at TORC

THE Cub Report, 01.10.2014, Version- What Goes Up, Must Come…

What is going on at Traxxas? I suppose if you are a consumer all you notice is that their RTRs are still on the shelves and your LHS still has a-arms in stock, but we (and other industry types) tend to notice other things. Like… I haven’t seen hide nor hair of Traxxas during any of the AMA Supercross broadcasts [...]


The Cub Report Schaumburg

THE Cub Report, 02.03.2014, Version- What a Boring Blow-Out …

Hallo everyone, I hope you had a great weekend filled with rc, Supercross, with some time left over to watch the Superbowl. While the Superbowl might have turned out to be a one sided boring bowl, the Supercross on Saturday night actually was worth watching. Speedy Reedy took another surprise win in the 450 class, while 250 points leader Jason [...]

