For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Fisherman Cubby

THE Cub Report, 10.14.2013, Version- Better Out Than In

Hola everyone, welcome to THE good ole’ Cub Report. Ok, I broke down and did watch the F1 race from Japan over the weekend. Yes, it was another snooze fest, and yes, Vettel won yet again. But… I wasn’t watching it for the race, or the racers, I watched it simply to view the track. Suzuka is the best track in [...]


The Cub Report Schaumburg

THE Cub Report, 10.07.2013, Version- Schaumburg or Bust

Hello everyone out there in rc land, you have landed on THE Cub Report, the column that everybody, and I mean everybody, reads every week. I’m soooo burnt crispy on rc. Back in the day I thought I went hard with rc, but since being shoved even deeper into the industry, I have been spending way, wayyyyy too many hours on [...]


RC Monster Truck

THE Cub Report, 09.29.2013, Version- Even if you don't like …

Wow, I just got done watching the Motocross of Nations from Germany and I gotta say I was left with a very sour taste in my mouth. No, America once again didn’t really send their “A-Team”, but even still, we should have won. It was disappointing to watch ET throw away (literally) a top 2 finish in the first moto, [...]


ihobby bigsquidrc

THE Cub Report, 09.23.2013, Version- Man in the Box

Yes, even I run out of things to complain about, so here is a rather brief and uncharacteristically happy Cub Report. Brian won’t ever toot his own horn, so I do it for him from time to time. Numbers are doing great (thanks to You our readers), and have blown well past what we considered to be the “maximum” we would [...]


THE Cub Report, 09.16.2013, Version- Ozymandias

All the best stories start with “So I was walking through my local Fry’s…”. So… I was strutting through the isles of my local Fry’s, just looking to pick a techno babble fight with one of their 19 year old greenhorns, and I stumble across a quite “hobby grade” looking rc car for sale. And not just one, but they actually [...]


rc safety

THE Cub Report, 09.09.2013, Version- Master Of Hypocrisy

You all know I’m a big Formula 1 fan, a huge Ferrari F1 fan specifically, but I think it’s time for me to take a break. For the first time since the ’80s, I’m not going to follow F1 anymore. Last weekend at Monza was the clincher, F1 has become boring. Seb, the snotty young German with his Red Bull [...]


Pro-Line Cubby

THE Cub Report, 09.02.2013, Version- Dodging Dean Wormer

Happy Labor Day to all you rc’ers out there, and welcome to THE Cub Reporto’. A non-syndicated, non-PC, non-logical look into the world of rc. Oh ya, I always talk about full scale racing at the start of THE Cub Report, but…. Labor day weekend isn’t exactly a banner weekend for that sort of thing. Moto is off until MXDN and [...]


Pro-Line PRO-2 Kit

THE Cub Report, 08.26.2013, Version- I'm Not Sick (But I'm N…

Hey now everyone, thanks for tuning in to THE Cub Report, a column about your favorite hobby, rc. Both F1 and AMA Motocross were in action over the weekend, but it turned out quite boring. SebVet creamed the F1 guys yet again, while RV2 and ET did the same to their respective classes at Lake Elsinore. Oofah, what I would do [...]


Cubby Top Sportsman

THE Cub Report, 08.19.2013, Version- Time Bomb

Hey now all you rc freaks, it’s Monday morning and time for yet another funk-a-deluxe edition of THE Cub Report. F1 is still in their summer break. “Sigh”. Maybe everyone in the world needs a month off during peak season to just hang out, rest, and relax. Hummm, that’s a great idea… sounds like I better schedule a meeting with Brian [...]


Traxxas Telluride

THE Cub Report, 08.12.2013, Version- Cubmetheus

Here we are again, another Monday, and yet another Cub Report. There is no better way to start off your week in rc than with the web’s most influential and controversial weekly editorial piece (if I must say so myself). The Cub Report is an exotic blend of sarcasm/fiction/opinion that a rather large amount of people can actually stomach to [...]


Traxxas RC

THE Cub Report, 08.05.2013, Version- Sheep in Wolf's Clothin…

Hello there everyone out in rc land, yup, you found it, THE Cub Report. There was no F1 over the weekend. Sigh. There was “sorta” moto (if you count X-Games, Brayton won and JLaw was there!). Sigh. At least I’ve got the last season of Breaking Bad to look forward to this Sunday. In case you missed it (read- you have been [...]


THE Cub Report, 07.29.2013, Version – No Life ’til Leather

Hey it’s Monday, time for another Cub Report, thanks to everyone that tunes in each week to see what kind of trouble I can get myself into. 🙂 First off, nope, not moto, not F1, but rc! Specifically- this weekend is a big dealio for us as we are having our BigSquidRC Uber Bash and Swap Meet on Saturday. Consider yourself [...]


vauhgn getting mustang

THE Cub Report, 07.22.2013, Version- Remembering The Way To …

Yo MTV Raps and Happy Monday ya freaks, welcome to THE Cub Report. There was the Washougal Motocross National over the weekend, but all the attention has turned to Jeff Alessi/LaserGate. It’s sad and it’s a mess, but I hope that it proves to be a turning point for those that need it. Onto rc… Our Rally Car Shootout should be going up [...]


Cubby's Place

THE Cub Report, 07.15.2013, Version- Statement of Integrity

Hello everyone, we are having some epically great weather here in the Midwest this weekend, absolutely perfect for spending all day outside pulling trigger and hang’n with the guys. I hope you were lucky enough to get your bash on over the weekend too. Indoors there was no F1, nor AMA Motocross. “Sigh”. Yes I know there was a lot of [...]


Cubbys harem

THE Cub Report, 07.08.2013, Version- Gotta Launder My Karma

Hola rc fans and welcome to another high zoot edition of THE Flip’n Cub Report. I have zero time here, so let me get right down to it… In BSRC News- Adam “The Intern” smashed his existing world record over the weekend by vaporizing a Five Guys hamburger in just under 5 seconds. Mental note to self- keep arms/hands away from Adam’s [...]

