For Bashers, By Bashers!

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hitec cubby

THE Cub Report – Right Down The Line…

Hello fellow rc fanatics, welcome to BigSquidRC. THE Cub Report is a weekly column that talks about new rc products, as well as industry happenings, new trends, plus a few rants here and there. Shall we dive right on in??? Can you EVEN BELIEVE that Big Squid turns 15 years old this year? Holy freaking cow does time fly when you [...]


Footwear Cubby

ASK Cubby – You Send In Questions, I Run For The Hills

“Make racing great again! We need help. Hey Cubby, I’m looking for some racing advice from a different perspective. I help run the local dirt track. This summer we had pretty weak attendance. Our track is special, not because we power wash the pit barn out once a year or because we have the cleanest port-o-john in the city. Our track is [...]


Cubby Helmet

THE Cub Report – Gone Loco, Be Back Later

Hello there avid rc fan, welcome to Big Squid and to THE Cub Report. While Ping is busy retiring from the writing game, here I am slaving on. Such is life, shall we dive right on in? So… the “biggest” news from last week was such that we didn’t even post it??? Yup, that would be the 30 day countdown timer [...]


Cubby Crawler Shootout

THE Cub Report – As The Wheels Turn

Well hello there, my name is Cubby and this is my weekly column on rc. Sometimes THE Cub Report is about product news, sometimes it is just worthless rambling, but either way, shall we dive on in??? Even though our podcast with JConcepts’ Jason Ruona has been up a couple weeks, I had yet to listen to it. Over the weekend [...]


Las Vegas Cubby

THE Cub Report – Show Weekends Are The Best Weekends!

Hey now, and welcome to THE Cub Report. The BigSquidRC Bash Crew has been old school busy the last few weeks with events, trade shows, and reviews. Needless to say, we were pretty stoked to get out of town and hit the Rocky Mountain Hobby Expo. So, how was the show? Ya know, the RMHE is arguably the single show that [...]


Rockstar Cubby

ASK Cubby – Is It Time For Denver Yet?

“Mojave Vs UDR Which do you think is better one of the new Mojaves or the Traxxas UDR? I mainly bash in my backyard, but also drive some foot trails in the park. Thanks, Roger E.” Cubby- Yo, what’s up Roger? Ya know, there are a whole lot of people looking at the ARRMA Mojave, and there are already loads of Traxxas UDR owners [...]


Cubby And Girls iHobby

THE Cub Report – Lost In The Whirlwind

Hello there fellow rc fanatics, welcome to Big Squid. I am Cubby and every Monday I take a look back at some of the big product announcements from the previous week. Plus, I also talk about other important happenings in the rc industry. Shall we kick the tires and light the fires??? Finally, it is Rocky Mountain Expo Week! For those [...]



ASK Cubby – More Questions, Less Answers

“BSRC Review question Do you have consistent standards for your reviews? The TRX6 got an A in Time to Bash with the comment “as long as you have a pack charged, from the box to hitting the trail, it takes about 2 minutes.” The Infraction got a B in Time to Bash with essentially the same comment “pop in some charged [...]


Honda Ask Cubby

THE Cub Report - Another Year, Another Spanking @ Des Nation…

Hola rc fanatics and welcome to another week’s Cub Report. Whether you bash, boat, or crawl, BigSquidRC has you covered. With that said, lets jump right on into it... It isn’t nice to complain about how our team did at Motocross Des Nations this year, yet, I seriously can not help myself. Good Lord, what in the freak is our [...]


Cubby with big woman

ASK Cubby – One Question, One Sober OctoBert

“Outlaw Rampage Pro When will you guys be doing a review on the Kyosho rampage pro? I noticed it was in the servo review, and you did an unboxing, whats going on? Matthew G.” Cubby- Hey ya Matty, shoot me your snail mail for a sticker pack. Also, if you send me your shirt size, I will hook you up with one of [...]


THE Cub Report – And The World Champion Is…

Hello there rc fans, thanks for visiting BigSquidRC. I hope you enjoy your stay on our website, after all, it is loaded with rc news, views, and reviews. First up this week is the IFMAR 1/10th scale world championships. Now, BSRC isn’t a “racing” website, but even we think it is important for bashers to know when the “really” big races [...]


Airplane Cubby

ASK Cubby – More Questions, More Questionable Answers

“Thumb Steer Hi Cubby, I have an older Futaba radio but want thumb steering on it. What is the best way to convert it over to thumb steer? Brewer B.” Cubby- Yo hey ya Brewer, thank you very much for writing in to ASK Cubby. Please send me an email with your home address so I can hook you up with a sticker pack. So, [...]


Cubby Rocky Mountain Show 2017

THE Cub Report – Are All Bike People Truly Psycho?

Hello there rc fanatics from across the entire globe, welcome to THE Cub Report. The manufacturers certainly were not messing around last week with multiple big releases, so lets jump right in. The Axial Racing crew had been teasing their new Capra 1/10th scaled crawling kit for some time, but the cat was officially let out of the bag last week. [...]


Cubby with big woman

ASK Cubby – Saving The World One Letter At A Time

“Capra Crazy Cubby, What’s the scoop on the new Axial Capra that is being teased so much? Think it is gonna be something crazy? Derrick O.” Cubby- Hey ya Derrick, be sure and send me your home addy for one of our sweet BigSquidRC sticker packs. I received Derrick’s letter about a week ago while the Axial Capra teasers were in full swing. Earlier today, [...]


Statue Cubby

THE Cub Report – Live By Social Media, Die By Social Media

Here we are people, yet another beautiful Monday in the world of rc. I hope many of you got the chance to go outside and get your rc fix over the weekend. If not, here’s to better luck this coming weekend. Shall we jump on in??? Oh yes, we are officially in full blown holiday season announcement mode here at BigSquidRC. [...]

