For Bashers, By Bashers!

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The Cub Report 05.04.08

In a week that featured the #22 of Chad Reed winning his second AMA Supercross title, and the beautiful filly Eight Belles giving her life for the run to the roses, it’s been awfully dead in the rc world. Some news was made last week when Trinity announced that Ed Bridges of the famed EB Mods had come on board. Ed [...]


el loco Cubo Reporto versiono 4.27.08

Let’s get right on down to the nitty gritty here. For you crawler fans, XTM looks to be the second manufacture with a full on competition chassis right out of the box, the XTM X-Crawler. It seems every week the crawling segment gets more support, and the new XTM “super class” crawler is just more evidence to support the case. How [...]


Cub Report – The Week in Review 420 Edition

Trade shows in general are so 1980’s. Back then they were heavily attended, with huge manufacture, dealer, and consumer support. Manufactures would debut oceans of hot new products and offer large incentives to dealers. Dealers couldn’t wait to get away from their stores in middle-of-nowhere America to reap the deep discounts and to party down on some manufactures expense [...]


The el’ Cubo Report’o Version 04.13.08

Weed. So just why is it that many outdoor (and some indoor) tracks across the country have such a large proportion of racers that insist on smoking weed during races? Certainly rc racing is not set up for youth racers, as it caters more to the 30-something age set. But, rc racing should always be youth friendly, and being [...]


The Week that was 04.06.08

Brian, the head cheese and uber editor of suspended me last week. I never thought he would have been personally offended at what I had last turned in, but I guess he wasn’t impressed with my last Cub Report that contained more curse words than a typical rap song. This week, I’ll try my very best to keep [...]


The Week That Was 03.22.08 (better late than never edition!)

Not much news this week. The biggest news was that Trinity is releasing a new brushed stock motor- it seems they didn’t get the memo that nobody gives a crap about brushed motors anymore. At this point, putting out a new brushed motor is like coming out with a new set of horse shoes instead of tires. Seems my paychecks [...]


The Week That Was 03.16.08

Let’s dig right in. Trinity announced a new engine line-up this week. Or should they have said “we will be importing a new engine line-up”? For years and years the Big T has done a great job of convincing the general public they actually make something. At least in their latest press release they state up front the engine is Sirio [...]


The Week in Review – Version 03.02.08

As I sit here watching “Giant Squid: Caught on Camera” on the Discovery Hi-Def channel, I can’t help but to reflect on just how far BigSquidRC has come in the last 12 months. This site has come from a little known basher site, to one that now gets more hits than most of the mainstream rc magazines sites get. That’s [...]


The Cub Report – End of February

I’ll get right down to the most important thing that happened this week in rc. Brian, CEO/CFO/C-Everything-O at BigSquidRC showed that not only does he have mad skillz on an rc drag track, but showed mad crawling skillz as well by winning his first crawling event over the weekend. Crawling world watch out!! Brian likes to get into something new and [...]


Friday at the Birds….

I’m still down here at the Snowbird Nationals ,my cell phone keeps going off every 3.259 minutes.It must be BigSquid calling, urging me to get out of this wonderfully heated outdoor pool and submit my daily report. I must admit- the reasons are few to pluck myself from this [...]


Snowbird Nationals Indoor On-Road Carpet Race Pics!

Cub Reporter here with a bunch of pics from the Snowbird NationalsI do not know who some of the people or who all the cars belong to, but I do know that the first picture is Pro Driver Tim Mohr’s car, and that the second car is Pro Driver Wesley Dennis’s car! Notice the Big Squid Stickers! Awesome! Enjoy [...]


Snowbird National’s with Cubby!

Greeting’s from Florida! With a little help from Brian back in Chicago (hey buddy.. how’s the weather! Muhaha..) I’m going to try and bring some updates and pictures from the Snowbird Nationals. I’m beyond tired, so I’m going to keep this one short. There are 750 entries from 38 states and 10 different countries! the Doors [...]


My Special Early Cub Report!

It’s Friday, which means one thing in the rc industry, no press releases on new products over the weekend! So let me dive right into the highlights of new releases this week. The biggest news this week- the Novak 1/8th scale conversion kits. It’s quite obvious that the next big thing in rc racing will be 8th scale electric off-road. There [...]


The Cub Report! Week 3

Yes, even the best opinion writer in rc can miss a deadline. After the constant hate text messages from the men in black suits at BigSquidRC, I decided it was in my best interest to get my Week 3 review in their inbox. First, before I start ranting, BigSquidRC is breaking out the big money and making sure you, the faithful [...]


The Cub Report: Week 2!

Week two in 08′ has flown by. Product wise, MaxAmps, trying to make good on their vow to dominate in 08′, introduced another product- some hard case saddle pack li-po’s. The jury is still out on encasing li-po’s in a hard pack. On one hand, protecting them is very important. On the other, li-po’s don’t like being contained in essentially, a warming blanket. Before [...]

