For Bashers, By Bashers!

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DuraTrax Evader DT Week: Painting and Detailing – Part 2

Day 6 is the last build day of DuraTrax Evader DT Week. I’m finally getting around to doing my custom paint on my DT. The pre-trimmed, pre-drilled clear body from DuraTrax (Part DTXC6218) looks great and is easy to paint. There’s not much more to say about this one, I’m certainly no artist, but I like the [...]


DuraTrax Evader DT Week: Painting and Detailing – Part 1

Day five of DuraTrax Evader DT week is the beginning of the end.  The last job I’m going to do on my DT is to put a custom paint job and other details onto it.  I’m using a new, clear body from DuraTrax (Part DTXC6218) and I’m reusing the hard plastic detail pieces from the current body.  This is going [...]


DuraTrax Evader DT Week: Going Brushless and 2.4 GHz

Welcome to day four of DuraTrax Evader DT week here at the Squid.  Today I’m taking out the stock electronics and dropping in some mad power and control.  The stock Sprint 2 ESC, a fine system for beginners, gets the boot in favor of a Castle Creations Sidewinder ESC.  The Photon 2 brushed motor is taken out and put aside [...]


DuraTrax Evader DT Week: Installing Ball Bearings and Alumin…

We’re on day three of DuraTrax Evader DT week.  Today I’m installing one of the best all around hop-ups you can get for your Evader DT, the full ball bearing set (part DTXC1096).  These ball bearings will not just make your ride more durable, they’ll also make it run faster and last longer on the battery.  Ball bearings are an [...]


DuraTrax Evader DT Week: Graphite Chassis and Aluminum Parts…

It’s the second day of DuraTrax Evader DT week.  Yesterday I installed some of DuraTrax’s high-end hard anodized shocks.  Today I tackle the blue anodized aluminum front bulk head (part DTXC6807), the blue anodized aluminum transmission brace (part DTXC9640), and the Evader graphite chassis (part DTXC6999). If you aren’t a fan of blue, all of the aluminum [...]


Duratrax Evader EXT 2 – Big Squid RC Exclusive

We always enjoy being able to bring you news first! Check out the first pictures (as far as we know) of the un-announced DuraTrax Evader EXT 2! It looks like some of the modifications that went into bringing us the DuraTrax Evader DT have gone into the Duratrax Evader EXT 2! It looks [...]

