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RPM Light Mounts for HPI Baja 5B

RPM – Light Pod Mounts for HPI Baja 5B

We are always happy when we see RPM putting out some more parts for the HPI Baja 5B! Their latest product are these Light Pod Mounts. They are sold in pairs, and allow up to four HPI Light Pods (not included) to be mounted to the RPM Front Bumper (also not included). This is pretty cool. Nothing like [...]


RPM – HPI 5B Roof Guard

New from RPM is this cool little HPI 5B Roof Guard. Once again the guys from RPM have come up with a cool idea to help protect that spark plug sitting out in the open of your HPI 5B. You know RPM is tough stuff, so if you are looking for some added protection, this roof [...]


HPI Baja 5B Bumper and Skid Plate from RPM!

We all know that RPM stuff rocks, but they mostly make stuff for the 1/10th and 1/8th scale market. Well check this out! RPM now has a HPI Racing Baja 5B Bumper and Skid Plate set! This is what the doctor has ordered! Those big cars hit hard, and to see something available from RPM means [...]


Kershaw Designs expands line of Mod 1.5 pinions

Kershaw Designs loves them some brushless converted 5Bs and 5Ts and to prove it they’ve expanded their line of Mod 1.5 pinions that mesh with the stock spur gears on the Baja Fives.  The full line now includes 12 – 20 tooth 8mm bore steel pinions and 14 – 20 tooth 10mm bore hardened steel pinions.  Prices are $14 for [...]


Kershaw Designs shows off a bunch of new stuff

Dan Fischer from Kershaw Designs dropped by the RC Driver Live show today to show off a bunch of new products and custom rigs. The biggest news from the show is Kershaw’s new Baja 5B/5T dedicated brushless chassis. The new chassis is going to be distributed through TGN Distributing. According to Dan it’s going to be a [...]


Baja 5B body skins from Thunder Designs/TGN

If you’ve ever taken on the massive undertaking that is painting a 1/5 scale body then you know just how time (and paint) consuming it can be.  Well Thunder Designs, by way of TGN Distributing, has made decorating your HPI Baja 5B body as easy as peel-n-stick with their Swoop Design and Militant body skins.  Both designs are available [...]


HPI Baja 5B Takes a Bashing!

So while bashing at our long jump event where we watched Tim Mohr set a Long Jump record we pulled out the HPI Baja 5B! A lot of people say you can’t bash with a 5B, that too much breaks, but I think this video may prove them all wrong! Nobody could believe the durability that this truck [...]


RPM rear bumper for Baja 5B & 5T

We all like tough stuff and RPM has been one of the great purveyors of such stuff for a long time.  Now they have even more tough stuff for the Baja 5B and 5T drivers in the crowd.  The new rear bumper is a direct drop-in replacement made out of the fancy RPM material that everybody knows and [...]


Kershaw Designs Revolver XXL brushless motor for 1/5 scale e…

Kershaw Designs has a new motor for 1/5 scale electric conversions.  The Revolver XXL is a 1315Kv brushless motor that is built to run with up to 40v of power.  And they also dropped some hints that we should be expecting a 10S capable ESC to go with it!  The motor is available now for a price of $159.99. Go on [...]


Baja Skunkworks 2 speed for Baja 5B & 5T

Baja Skunkworks (you know, those guys responsible for that crazy Baja 5T tank… yeah, you remember) have put together what could possibly be a must have accessory for 5B and 5T owners.  Their new 2 speed transmission has been in development for 3 years now and they say it has features that competitors don’t.  One of the bigger bullet points [...]


Uni Filter products now available through TGN

Team Gonads… er… I mean TGN Distributing is now carrying Uni Filter products for use with your large scale gas powered engines.  Uni Filter has been in the foam air filter business since 1971, so it’s probably pretty safe to say that they know what they’re doing.  Right now you can pick up Uni Filter’s Air Filter Cleaner and Air [...]


HPI Baja 5B Tank Conversion?

Someone sent me this photo, and I was just blown away! I have no idea where it came from, but man would I love to see this thing in action! Anyone out there have more information on this thing? It looks like it’s some sort of HPI 5B Baja conversion. Tanks normally steer with each tread moving separately.. [...]


HPI Racing 24mm Aluminum Wheel Hex Hub Set

Aww Yea! Now this is what I need. New from HPI Racing is the Aluminum wheel hex hub 24mm set. This set will allow savage owners to mount Baja 5B wheels and tires to their trucks! My Flux plus these bad boys, 5B paddles, and it’s snow action time! These are like a basher’s dream [...]


HPI Racing Baja 5T and 5B Now With 2.4ghz!

With prices coming down on the 2.4ghz radio technology, I’m glad to see companies like HPI Racing start to include these radio’s in their RTR vehicles. The HPI Baja 5T and 5B now come stock with 2.4ghz radio systems! Look for the 2.4 on the box! The 5B and 5T are pretty much the standard [...]


Pro-Line Racing’s New Baja 5B/5T Heavy Duty Beadlock Rings

With recessed screws, the new Pro-Line Racing Heavy Duty 5B/5T Beadlock Rings will protect your tires’ sidewalls while offering a clean, smooth appearance. These durable nylon rings are sure to stand up to the bashing that we dish out to our HPI Bajas. You can visit the Pro-Line Racing site here.

