For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Hobbico eFest 2013 Promo Video

The crew over at Hobbico have just released a promo video for eFest 2013. eFest is one of the largest indoor fly-ins in the world, and this year it is being held on February 9th and 10th in the epicenter of the rc universe, Champaign Illinois. Check out the video, and if you’ve never been to a huge indoor flying [...]


BigSquidRC Live Show

BigSquidRC Live Tonight at 9 PM CST

Tune in to our main page tonight at 9 PM CST to catch our third BigSquidRC Live show. We will be talking about some of the latest rc news, announcing a Basher Approved transmitter, talking about your live comments, as well as giving away another brand spank’n new truck live on the air! Feel free to leave us a comments [...]


BigSquidRC Live Show

Reminder- BigSquidRC Live Show Wednesday Night 9 PM CST

Here is a quick reminder that we will be doing another BigSquidRC LIVE show this Wednesday night at 9pm CST. Last week we benched raced some of the news of the day, Jeff and I had technical difficulties, we gave away a new Durango, we announced the ECX Torment as Basher Approved, and Cubby joined in live from his local [...]


BigSquidRC Live

BigSquidRC Live Tonight at 9 PM CST

Here is a reminder that tonight the second edition of our BigSquidRC Live show starts at 9 PM CST. On tonight’s show we will be discussing some of the biggest rc news of the week, talking about your comments, announcing a new Basher Approved award, and then giving away a brand new Durango truck live on the broadcast. To join [...]


BigSquidRC LIVE Show

BigSquidRC LIVE Show Tomorrow Night 9 PM CST

Here’s a reminder that we’ll be doing another BigSquidRC LIVE show tomorrow night. This weeks show will be one hour earlier, 9 pm CST, to make it easier on our East Coast viewers. This week we’ll be announcing another Basher Approved product, as well as giving away a brand new Durango RTR live during the broadcast! To watch the show [...]


BSRC Bash Crew at iHobby 2012

Today Is The Day!

If you want to see something you’ve never seen in the rc world before, tune in tonight at 10 pm CST to our front page. 🙂 Tonight is a big night for us and we hope you join us. Starting tonight at 9 pm CST, take a look at our front page, there you will find a new post revealing what [...]


BigSquidRC at iHobby 2012

Reminder- Something BIG Wednesday Night

Reminder- We have something BIG kicking this Wednesday night at 10 PM CST, jot down a note because you will want to be there. We’ll be announcing a new product that has made our Basher Approved list, as well as giving away a brand new truck! That’s all we can say for now, more info coming SOON!



For you 1/5 scale guys, just a quick heads up that HPI Racing will be hosting the East Coast Nationals event at their Irvine Lake track. The pictures from previous events make this location look awesome! What a view! The event is September 29-30th 2012, and there is some more info on this HPI Track Page. If you are out [...]


iHobby Expo 2012 – Cleveland Ohio

Every year Big Squid RC puts on some pretty huge demos at the iHobby Expo trade show. It’s a great way for us to get to meet a ton of our fans at once, answer questions, and give away a bunch of cool prizes while wow’ing the crowds. This year’s show is moving to Cleveland Ohio. It’s normally in [...]


us air meet 2012

Horizon Off-Road Showdown at US Air Meet 2012

Here’s something you don’t see or hear about often. Off road RC and Planes at the same event! This year Horizon Hobby is having their Off-Road Showdown during the US Air Meet 2012 in Sanford, Maine USA. The dates are September 6-9 and the event will include multiple layouts for 1/8th scale nitro and 1/10th scale electric racing. Our buddy [...]


Summer Kick Off Bash Pictures

Well, the Summer Kick Off Bash turned out to be a real blast! We had people from several states show up and partake in some serious bashing fun! The events we ended up doing were the Obstacle Course that ended by slamming into a ton of old transmitters as the finish line, the Sumo event, Demolition Derby, the Shopping Cart [...]


Classic Car Show Demo Pics

Last night Big Squid RC was invited to do a RC demo at the Westmont Cruisin’ Nights in Westmont Il. Our demo was a huge hit, and we have been invited back to do a few more shows! Keep a eye on the front page, we will let you know when we do the next one in July! #gallery-7 { margin: [...]


squid group 3

Westmont IL Cruisin’ Nights

Big Squid RC was invited out to do a little RC demo action at the Westmont Cruisin’ Nights in Westmont Il. There is live music, food, awesome cars, and us! What other reasons do you need? So if you are in the Chicago Suburb area, and looking for something to do tonight.. (Thursday, 6-7-2012) we will be there putting on [...]



AXIALFEST Registration is Now Open

We just got word from Axial that AXIALFEST registration is NOW OPEN! They have all sorts of classes, from Wraith to EXO Terra Buggy to 2.2 Crawling! Head to the AXIALFEST Registration Website Now and sign up!


big squid bash

Big Squid RC – Summer Kick Off Bash!

For those of you in the area Illinois area (or for those that like to drive) we have scheduled an official date for our Summer Kick Off Bash! Mark your calendars for June 9th 2012! The event is being hosted by the Orland Park, Hobby Town USA. You can get more info on their store here! Scheduled events [...]

