For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Traxxas Monster Truck Tour

Traxxas Named Title Sponsor of Monster Truck Destruction Tou…

In a recent announcement, Traxxas has been named the Title Sponsor of the Monster Truck Destruction Tour. That is great news for our hobby because of the mainstream attention that it will receive. Plus, that means that we will soon be seeing a full scale X-Maxx, Skully, and Craniac competing in the monster truck arena. To get more of the [...]


HPI Building for Lease

This picture does not give us the best feelings. We have reported on the RUMOR of Traxxas buying out HPI Racing, but it didn’t really start to sink in till now. For those that don’t know, this is 70 Icon, Foothill Ranch, CA. home of HPI Racing USA, and that big sign outside their building does not seem to say [...]


a main hobbytown usa

HobbyTown USA And AMain Hobbies Pardner Up

Now here is some big industry news, HobbyTown USA has just announced a partnership with AMain Hobbies. Read the press release below to get the full scoop, but to boil it down, AMain will be handling Hobbytown’s on-line merchandising, while HobbyTown USA will be licensing the AMain name to retail stores. This should be good news for brick & mortar [...]


Drone Racing Coming to ESPN

In another move forward on the path to global domination, drone racing will soon be arriving on ESPN. Thanks to the International Drone Racing Association, we will all be watching our favorite hobby continue it’s meteoric rise and take center stage on the world wide leader in sports in the very near future. The international, multi-year deal was announced earlier [...]


Bill Jeric HRP Distributing

Bill Jeric Appointed VP At HRP Distributing

In the industry news today, Bill Jeric has just appointed VP At HRP Distributing. Bill has been in the hobby for a very long time and some of you may already know him from his work with Horizon Hobby, Losi, Tuning Haus, and Prime R/C. To get the full scoop, read the full press release that we have posted below. HRP [...]


HPI Racing Europe

Rumor Mill – HPI Racing Bought By Traxxas

So rc fans… the big “rumor” today is that Traxxas has bought HPI Racing. It hasn’t been a secret that HPI America and HPI Europe have been having a tough go at it the last couple of years, so it seemed inevitable that someone would come in and scoop them up, and according to the rumors that we are hearing, [...]



Hobbico Launches Website

The good folks over at Hobbico have just announced the launch of The KeepItRC website is a home base for all things rc and can help you get your daily dose of rc videos. The site will feature raw/uncut footage, crazy stunts, workshop tours, and all sorts of other rc video goodness. What are you waiting for, hit This [...]


DRL Drone Racing League – Level 1 Qualifiers Video

A few weeks back, I reported on the upcoming DRL or Drone Racing League. With lots of buzz leading up to the first event, or “level”, a video of the race has finally been released showcasing the first truly big budget FPV racing event. Check it out below, and for more info on the DRL, check out the Drone Racing League home page. Stay [...]


Traxxas Velineon VXL-6s Recall

Traxxas X-Maxx Velineon VXL-6s Recall

Here is a statement from Traxxas concerning a Recall of their Velineon VXL-6S ESC that comes in the X-Maxx monster truck. “We have identified an issue with the VXL-6s Electronic Speed Control that could lead to fire. We have a fusible link available to solve this issue. The VXL-6s ESC is sold separately or with the Traxxas X-Maxx monster truck, 77076-4. [...]


The multi-million dollar drone racing league goes live.

What’s that you say? You STILL don’t believe me, your humble neighborhood drone writer, that FPV racing is taking over in 2016? Well then, I implore you to check out the upcoming DRL or Drone Racing League. While organizations like Multi GP have been taking a community-driven, “grass roots” approach to FPV racing (which is AWESOME, by the way. Multi GP is a fantastic organization and I [...]


HPI Racing Europe

HPI Europe News

Emails and phone calls have been pouring in. Yesterday, HPI Europe posted this on their website- “The affairs, business and property of Hobby Products International Europe Limited are being managed by Eddie Williams and Nick Wood, appointed as Joint Administrators on 14 January 2016. The Joint Administrators act as agent of the company without personal liability. Eddie Williams is authorised by the ICAEW [...]


FAA in Federal Court Over Drone Registration Rules

Coming as no surprise to anyone, the backlash associated with the recent FAA registration news has begun. In a move that seems to be the next logical progression from the model aircraft community, the FAA is being challenged in federal court with the hopes that hobbyists – including children as young as 13 – won’t have to file their names and home addresses [...]


K&N Horizon Hobby

K&N Filters Teams Up With Horizon Hobby For Video

Check out this cool cross promotion #LiveYourDream video between K&N Filters and Horizon Hobby. The video has Pro full scale driver Bradley Morris, and features both a Vaterra Drift car as well as a ECX Short Course Truck. Both vehicles will be available very soon from Horizon Hobby with the official K&N livery.


FAA shuts down 36+ model aircraft clubs in Washington, DC

With what is sure to be the first of many headlines generated on the heels of the FAA’s mandatory registration news, here is an…. *ahem* “interesting” piece of news from our nation’s capital. The Federal Aviation Administration has shut down at least 36 model aircraft clubs in the Washington, DC area, citing a new, extended no-fly zone for drones around the nation’s capital. Beginning in [...]


Maverick RC

Big News- Maverick RC Coming To America

Big news bash fans, Maverick RC is dropping early 2016 right here in America! Ok, so many of you may have never heard of Maverick RC before, but they are big over in Europe for their affordable and bash oriented product line-up. Maverick has an entire line of vehicles from 1/18th to 1/8th, from monster trucks to touring cars, and [...]

