For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Parma PSE Mohawk 2 190mm Sedan Body

Is it time for a hair cut? Parma has just released the 1/10th scale 190mm Mohawk 2 Sedan Body. The new Mohawk 2 meets the new GBS (Global Body Spec) Guidelines and is ROAR approved! Click the image to get the full spec sheet.


Cub-Meista Report 06.08.08

Do what you are good at, leave the other crap ALONE. Does Ferrari make motorcycles? Does Krispy Kreme sell pizza? This week two speedo companies made announcements showing just how far they will sink to try and make a buck. First off is LRP, with news of their totally non-awaited S8 TX nitro truggy. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist [...]


The Way Super-Dope Cub Report (extended cub remix)

Great week to do some more ROAR bashing don’t you agree? With that in mind, the rocket scientists at our beloved sanctioning body ROAR, have called it quits to nitro 10th scale stadium truck and “production” monster truck. These two classes will no longer be held at the national level. Well I say why stop there? Geeezus, there are plenty more classes [...]


The Week that Was- 03.09.08

Shall I jump right into the good stuff here? Of course! Biggest disappointment of the week? Easily has to go to Kyosho after finding out that their “AKA Brand- World Class Products by World Champions” isn’t going to be some esoteric line-up of cars. Instead, AKA’s first release is 8th scale dirt tires. Yes, 8th scale dirt is the single hottest [...]


The Cub Report! Week 3

Yes, even the best opinion writer in rc can miss a deadline. After the constant hate text messages from the men in black suits at BigSquidRC, I decided it was in my best interest to get my Week 3 review in their inbox. First, before I start ranting, BigSquidRC is breaking out the big money and making sure you, the faithful [...]


Rumor Mill: ROAR to legalize Li-Po’s very soon!

Just wanted to post a rumor I have been hearing that the ROAR organization is just a few days away from legalizing Li-Po’s in their races with the requirement that the packs be sealed in some sort of hard case. So for all you die-hard racing nuts, it looks like you might finally get to experience what [...]

