For Bashers, By Bashers!

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The Cub Report – February, Week 3

After popping a fresh bottle of Dom Perignon 99′, I sat down to realize that few things in life are appreciated as much as they should be. I appreciate that in the last few weeks there were actually some really cool products introduced to the rc world, because this week nothing of real note was shown. I’d guess the “biggest” [...]


2008, Week 1 in review – Cubbie Strikes again!

Here we are, kick’n off 2008 with a (soft) bang in the rc world. On the product side- MaxAmps, who promised to make huge strides in 08, has already fired the first shot. Early on in the week, a press release was sent out about their exclusive 4700 mah sub-c ni-mh’s. That’s pretty ho-hum in itself, but the bold statement “We [...]

