For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Bass Pro Shop RC – Your Doing it Wrong!

So last weekend I’m looking through the newspaper, cutting coupons or something when I get to the Bass Pro Shop ad. I flip it open and right there on the inside is a picture of one of those 1/18th or 1/28 scale micro X-Mod style tracks, you know the ones with the red and [...]


Prototype suspension from Yokomo

Hobby Media snapped a pic of a new prototype rear suspension setup from Yokomo.  Right now all we know is that it’s a single shock setup with the shock placed laterally between the suspension arms.  The Hobby Media guys say they’re going to try to pry some info from the Yokomo staff in the coming days, but they [...]


I Have a Feeling….

Why do I have a feeling this week’s email will be more colorful than normal? Thanks Cubby, I owe you.


People Really Read the Cub Report?

Recently, Cubby mentioned something about trying to spread the word about RC to the masses, and that we should stick RC stickers on our full scale vehicles, well, not a few hours after that post I got an email with this picture! Awesome! I’ll get it added to the Fan Pictures section soon! Thanks!


God Speed Mark, You Will Be Missed!

A very good friend of mine, Mark Loftus, passed away this morning. I had worked with Mark for over 9 years now, and can honestly say I haven’t met a kinder person. He was an awesome co-worker, a true friend, great office mate, and a real family guy. My condolences and heart go out to his family [...]


New Banner + Survey Could = Cash.

A new company has asked us for help in a new RC radio survey. You will see the banner floating around here and in the forum for the rest of the month. It’s a little long, but it’s for a good cause. If you have ever wanted to let someone know your feelings about the current state [...]


Happy Turkey Day

Hey all, Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Turkey Day. Since many people are looking at a 4 day weekend, make sure to try and get outside, get some fresh air and some RC bashing in while you are digesting all that turkey and stuffing!


Quick Update on Updates

I just wanted to post a quick update on the lack of updates. I have been, and will be out in Vegas this week. I should be back in town late Friday night, as long as I have enough money to get back. 🙂


Berwyn Bash Pictures – May 08. With Savage XL Compare

I finally had a chance to process the Berwyn Bash pictures. There are some decent shots there, it was cool to see all the Big Squid RC stickers! Someone had a sweet electric Savage conversion setup that was really cool. There are some pictures of that next to the new HPI Savage XL. We also put in [...]


Temporary Event Calendar

Just a FYI, we got a temporary event calendar working. It’s not exactly what we wanted.. but hopefully it helps for the few days it will be used.


Updates Part 2…

Hey All, We have recently gotten the second part of our server updates working. (Or so we think) So if anyone runs into any issues today, please drop me an email so I can look into it. The site is getting huge, and I don’t think there is enough time in the week for me to check it all. [...]


test: Half way there…

Well the update went half right. We got the files updated that needed to be updated, but our format still isn’t quite right. Going to stop for now before we break too much more. heh.


Happy New Year!!

Wow! What a great year we had in 2007! We put on a show in front of 20,000+ people, the King Squid dragster hit speeds over 90 mph, our reader/fan amount has grown a ton, we gave away more prizes in our contest then ever before, and our sponsors were nothing but amazing to us! I hope everyone makes [...]


Miss me?

Geez.. just when I start to get things back on track! Incase you have been wondering where the updates are, my PC died hard. *sigh* And it is not like the drive just died.. I am talking total melt-down.. motherboard does not boot up. So I have the lap-top and setting up the new PC. There are a TON of [...]


Back to normal?

Hey All, Just wanted to drop a quick post and let everyone know I’m alive and well. I had a small personal emergency last week and was tied up here for a bit. Everything should now be getting back to normal. Thanks for your patience, and I now return you to your regularly scheduled program. Lets BASH!

