iHobby 2011 Tuesday Sneak Peak!
We are officially on location at iHobby 2011! Here are a few random pics I managed to snap when I wasn’t being watched over by Brian, the BSRC
task master fearless leader. As Cubby mentioned yesterday, our booth is going to be pretty awesome. It is for sure going to have a BIG SQUID…RC feel 😛
You’ll notice that a couple pictures I managed to sneak are of the Speed Passion booth. They have a place in a display case for a Ananta 4×4 Short Course Truck! Whoa! That is brand new, and you’ve officially heard it here first! They also have some new speed controllers and something that helps you program ESCs via bluetooth with your iPhone, iPad, Droid, etc.! I wish I knew more, but I had to be super sneaky just to get this much info! I’m sure more will come very soon!
Make sure you come out to iHobby 2011 if you’re in the Chicago area, and if not, keep your browser right here as we cover all the latest news with some of the most comprehensive iHobby 2011 coverage on the web!