For Bashers, By Bashers!
JConcepts Silencer RC10B5M Body

JConcepts Silencer RC10B5M Body

JConcepts Silencer RC10B5M Body
For all you mid-motor Associated RC10B5M owners, JConcepts has announced a new Silencer series body for your buggy. The Silencer for the B5M has a trendy cab-forward design with a small shark fin on top for added stability. Some of its other features include-

* Clear polycarbonate with over-spray film
* Includes two 6.5″ wings, window mask, and decals
* Distinct JConcepts Silencer styling
* Clipped side-pods with extended runners

The Silencer has a part number of #0273, a retail price of $26, and you can get more information at This Link over on JConcept’s official blog.

Want more JConcepts news? Find it at This Link on BigSquidRC.

Post Info

Posted by in JConcepts, New Products on Thursday, March 13th, 2014 at 9:23 am

