June 2014 Desktop Calendar
And just like that, it’s June 2014! We are happy to see everyone really enjoying the monthly desktop calendars. Every month they get a ton of downloads, and even a pretty high number seems to be going to phones, so that’s cool!
This month’s photo is the Carisma M40DT Desert Truck getting a little bath. This vehicle was a blast to drive, so if you are interested, make sure to check out our review.
We have several different resolutions available. Just right click these links, and do a ‘SAVE AS’ for the one matching your PC’s desktop ratio. Basically we have a wide screen version, and a standard 4:3. Your computer should resize as needed. Then all you need to do is right click on your desktop, and change wallpaper to the picture for your calendar!
Grab one below:
Wide Screen: 1920×1080
Standard Screen: 1280×1024
You can also use these on your phones!
We are using the most popular resolutions, but if you are having trouble scaling it, or if there is a different resolution you need, leave us a comment below and we will try to add a few more links.
If you are looking for a previous month, or just want to collect them all, you can HIT THIS LINK.