For Bashers, By Bashers!

Losing grip – Fawkes finally finished

Yeah, I know, scale pictures is all the rage nowadays. There’s zillions of those around, so I decided to do skate pics instead. Nothing like the local skate park for interesting backgrounds.

So, beast number six is finally done: Fawkes the Phoenix. Blue and orange, contrasting colors for a simple and effective color scheme. I’m pretty happy with it, didn’t take ages and turned out rather well methinks. The Vanquish wheels were, as always, a pleasure to assemble but for all the options (inner rings, scale hardware, scale hubs, blue outer rings) they cost a fortune. Maximum points for quality and options, minimum points for bang for the buck. But they do look good:

The light system was a breeze to add, and does add a lot as far as looks and fun go. Lacking 2-way switches on my transmitter I wired it to channel 5, a rotating knob, which in the end works just as fine.

Enough talking. This column is about the pics.  Comments on it to martin at or here.


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Posted by in Columns, Loosing Grip on Thursday, November 16th, 2023 at 8:50 am

