For Bashers, By Bashers!

Losing grip – Gone gone

Yo! Today’s column will be a short one, since I’m on holidays and far away from my RC’s. Tasmania would be an awesome place for some trailing with them, but I what with weight limitations I couldn’t bring anything along.

The only RC related stuff I’ve done in the past ten days is planning what I’m going to do in the coming weeks. I’ve hit up amain with an order including two bodies for my Redcat RDS (is there such a thing as having too many shells to wear?) and a Bittydesign Caravaggio airbrush to paint said bodies with.

One dragon design idea, two lexan bodies, three airbrushes, a bunch of acrylic paints – what could possibly go wrong? The interesting thing is of course that the airbrush from Bittydesign retails at ninety bucks, whereas my airbrushes from Iwata and Harder & Steenbeck cost 170 and 270 dollars respectively. Granted, they are slightly different tools, boasting different needles (0.5, 0.35 and 0.2 mm), but even so I am really curious to see how they compare. If the Bittydesign does a decent job, it’s a bargain at the price. Remains to be seen though.

Also, I need a squid design for one of the bodies. I’ll hit up an AI to get that bit going – I’m not one to say no to a free lunch.

Time to go back to holiday time with the kids. Before I know it they will have moved out and me and Mrs will be home alone. Maybe with a dog. Gotta enjoy spending time with them, while they still want to spend time with me!


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Post Info

Posted by in Columns, Loosing Grip, painting on Friday, January 19th, 2024 at 2:58 pm

