Losing grip – Sideways
G’day everyone! Depending on when this is published, either 2023 is coming to its end, or 2024 has just been born. Christmas has come and gone. Some of you had a great one, some of you regrettably not so. Christmas is probably either the best or the worst part of the year for a lot of us. In many cases what’s already good becomes better, while for some, what’s bad becomes worse. If that’s your case I offer my regrets and hope that life will pick up again soon.
See, I took my Redcat RDS to the botanical gardens on boxing day, and had a good time drifting with my son. I often promote RC as a great family activity (it is!), but I do recognise that I write that from the privileged position of having a family of my own. Not everyone does. To some of you readers, this hobby perhaps provides you with a family of sorts, like minded mates who enjoy having a good time sharing a common interest. If so: great!
That’s why I got into writing this column to start: to promote a hobby that I believe has the ability to bring people from all sorts of backgrounds together, hopefully transcending diverse NFL team allegiances, political views and such that tend to keep us apart. I mean, what’s not to like about this hobby? My wife for one certainly doesn’t understand its allure (the number of times I’ve heard “Why do you ever need yet another car?” Sigh…), but faulting it is really difficult.
As such, I look forward to enjoying this great hobby of ours for yet another year. I’ll probably build another kit or two, and definitively paint a few bodies. Any suggestions on what to do next? If so, drop a line to martin at bigsquidrc.com. Maybe a squid? A dragon? I’ll probably get myself a body or two and go wild. A new airbrush should arrive at my door in a couple of days, should be good fun trying it out.
Maybe a hard body? At some point, it would be really, really fun to have a go at a hard body. It would certainly be a lot easier, what with being able to correct mistakes and actually seeing progress properly. Can’t do that when painting from the inside, until it’s too late. A couple of options pop into my mind: either Killerbody’s Toyota Landcruiser, RC4WD’s 1985 Toyota 4Runner or their 2015 Land Rover Defender.
So much to choose from, so much to do. 2024 will be busy! Happy new year everyone! Sideways, the best way:
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