For Bashers, By Bashers!

Monster Truck Madness – Until Next Time

Hey everyone and Happy Thursday!

This post is a bittersweet one, as it’s going to be my last regular weekly blog for the site.

For the past 11 years I’ve written a weekly blog post for BSRC. Whether it was under the “Everybody’s Scalin’ For the Weekend” or “Monster Truck Madness” title, I think I can count on one hand the amount of times I missed my weekly post! Hey- they weren’t always great, but they were there, ha!

I want to thank Tim and Cubby for coming out to a crawling event I was hosting back in 2013 as it was this contact (and the good word they put in) that lead me to getting a shot posting on the site. HUGE thanks to Brian for giving me said shot, as well as many other things over the years. Thanks to fellow-Squid Jeremy for doing such a killer job on the site the last few years and best of luck in running Juice Box Hobbies! The live shows that myself, Brian and Jeremy did for a couple years were a total blast!

And lastly, thanks to all of you for reading all of my posts and the e-mails, comments, and support! I’m hoping that if nothing else, I helped you learn about a part of the hobby that you previously had no interest in. I know that I can bounce around A LOT of topics, sometimes to an annoying degree, but I love so many facets of the hobby, whether it’s monster truck racing, stadium trucks, semi trucks, slot car racing, or even just scale modeling, that I’ve wanted to try to talk about all of it!

As for the “why”- I just felt like it was time. I’m actually stepping back from various commitments within the hobby to spend more time enjoying it, if that makes sense! Less time at the computer, more time at the work bench and out on the track or trail!

This ain’t my last post on BSRC- I’ve told the bossman that should I be needed to assist for a review here or there or if some kind of big story drops about a segment of the hobby that I’ve heavily involved in, I’ll pop in from time to time.

In the meantime, if you are wanting to follow my hobby endeavors, I’ve started a Rotten Apple RC Instagram and Facebook page where I’ll be posting.

Alright, time to wrap this up. One last big “thank you” to you all. It’s been a great run!

Until next time, keep it on all 4’s!

Post Info

Posted by in Monster Truck Madness on Thursday, August 29th, 2024 at 6:30 pm

