For Bashers, By Bashers!

New products to maintain your car from Robitronic

Robitronic’s got a couple new products to help you keep your ride clean and looking good. First up they have something to keep your tuned pipe sparkling and sounding good. RC Tech Pipe Protect is a spray on protectant that prevents oil and rubber residue from sticking to your tuned pipe. Just clean the pipe and spray some Pipe Protect on before every run, pretty simple. Hopefully it’s as effective as it is simple.

If you have some cracks in your car body then you might want to check out Flexa Fix to repair them. It’s an easy to apply glue made for polycarbonate and other plastics to mend cracks and I imagine you could also use it to build up weak spots for more durability. For serious trouble spots you can add layers of Flexa Fix and scrap polycarbonate to build strength.

For more info about both of these products, check out the Robitronic site.

Post Info

Posted by in Robitronic on Tuesday, March 30th, 2010 at 4:56 pm


