For Bashers, By Bashers!
Hitec D Series Waterproof Servos

New Waterproof Servos from Hitec

The good folks over at Hitec have announced a pair of high-end Waterproof Servos. These are part of their new D-Series, which uses state of the art technology for the ultimate in smooth movement and flexible programming.

The new D-840WP has a speed of 0.11 sec/60º and a torque rating of 417 oz-in at 7.4 volts. The D-845WP is rated for 0.17 sec/60º and a whopping 694 oz-in at 7.4 volts. Prices have not been announced, but you can hit up This Link over on Hitec’s website for more specs and features.

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Posted by in New Products on Tuesday, October 6th, 2015 at 11:07 am

