For Bashers, By Bashers!
Twin I-Beam 2WD Pre-Runner Suspension Conversion Kit

Pro-Line Twin I-Beam 2WD Pre-Runner Suspension Conversion Kit SCX10 I/II

New from Pro-Line is a Twin I-Beam 2WD Pre-Runner Suspension Conversion Kit for the SCX10 I/II. This ultra-trick conversion kit comes with everything needed to install true I-Beam suspension on your SCX10 I/II. Check out these highlights-

* Transforms your SCX10 I/II into a 2WD Desert Truck
* Highly detailed, durable, scale-looking conversion kit
* Molded I-Beam arms, radium arms, and trailing arms
* True-swing set steering using stainless steel links and pivot balls
* New front shock tower with dual shock mounting options
* Trailing arms with adjustable wheelbase
* Rear mounted battery tray

The Pro-Line Twin I-Beam 2WD Pre-Runner Suspension Conversion Kit is street priced at $89 and has a part number of #PRO638500.

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Post Info

Posted by in New Products on Thursday, November 2nd, 2023 at 1:09 pm

