Pro-Line Wipeout Contest – Round Two Voting!
If you have been hiding under a rock, together with Pro-Line racing, we have been hosting the Pro-Line Wipeout Video Contest where someone is going to win $1000 + prizes! How incredible is that?
We received a TON of videos, and the Big Squid RC crew has narrowed it down to the top 16. Those 16 have gone to battle, where our readers have voted who will move on to the top 8. Those top 8 are below.
Sit back, enjoy the videos, and vote for your favorites! There are a few less to watch, so it should be easy to choose your favorites. Vote for who makes it to the final 4! Remember you can vote in each match-up.
Video 1 by JefryBro |
Video 2 by 2040 RC |
Match-up #1
- 2040 RC (58%, 83 Votes)
- JefryBro (42%, 60 Votes)
Total Voters: 143

Video 3 by Koby’s car videos |
Video 4 by rizz0d |
Match-up #2
- Koby's Car Videos (53%, 102 Votes)
- rizz0d (47%, 92 Votes)
Total Voters: 194

Video 5 by pattern800 |
Video 6 by Pat Smage |
Match-up #3
- pattern800 (54%, 714 Votes)
- Pat Smage (46%, 599 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,313

Video 7 by Skidoodude96 |
Video 8 by Tim Anderson |
Match-up #4
- Skidoodude96 (62%, 163 Votes)
- Tim Anderson (38%, 98 Votes)
Total Voters: 261

Here we go! The top 8! Vote for which videos you think needs to move on to the final 4! You’ll have 2 full days to watch them and vote. So get those votes in by Wednesday December 7th, Midnight, CST.