For Bashers, By Bashers!

Raging Rotors: Flip it! Flip it Good!

200QX Cruising

In all things multirotor, I was excited by Blade Helicopter’s announcement about the new 3D flight modes for the 200QX. I for one quickly ordered the new props, dragged my update cable out of the 350QX case, and was quickly on my way to being ready for inverted flight. Check out the video and my impressions on the upgrade after the jump…

Here are my impressions about the update in general before I discuss flight:

  • No loss of flight modes. By changing how you bind the 200QX (using throttle stick position), you can either fly with the new flight modes, or revert to the old flight modes any time you want. This is a little different than the 350QX V2 upgrade, but I really like that I lost nothing in the update.
  • Quick and Painless. Just went to the 200QX page on Blades website, downloaded the file and instructions, and done! Took me all of about 6 minutes, and I was being OCD about it.
  • No Programming Required! Just keep your radio settings AS-IS, you don’t need to do anything but the above mentioned bind procedure!

I test flew this new update last Saturday at the Suburban Aeroclub Field in Matteson, IL. I only flew in Stagility Mode, but man was it fun! The auto level systems worked great so I could concentrate on how the throttle worked in reversing motor rotation. Next stop, flying the Invertix  400 for the review!

Here is my flight video of my first outdoor flip attempts (thanks to my cameraman HobbyTown Steve):

I hope you all are seeing the countdown on the left of your screen. The HobbyTown Back to School Bash is next weekend!! It’s my show, so I hope to see you all there…maybe I’ll get some flight shows in during that day too…make up for that bummer of a day for the Air and Water Show a few days ago. Until next time, Stay Shiny and Keep Flyin’!


Post Info

Posted by in Columns, rc helicopter on Wednesday, August 20th, 2014 at 6:31 pm

