Raging Rotors: Not a Confession, But Declaration of Intent
It may sound cliche, but I feel like a true pioneer. On many occasions in the past year or so that quadcopters/drones/multirotor technology, flight, and regulations have been compared to the early days of the internet, calling it a ‘wild west’ phase for the technology. That pretty much nails the current situation of the whole multirotor hobby right on the head, and I feel very much like John Wayne himself.
As you all may have read before, I am a current AMA member as well as a member of the local flying club. Not to be rude or cruel, but most of the older flying clubs (mine has been around for about 50 years) are not prepared for the quadcopter revolution, especially with the growing want and need for FPV racing courses. There will be a substantial growth of quadcopter pilots, and the clubs will either need to adopt this growing trend, or isolate that chunk of the flying community.
Which brings me to the title of this article. As a member of the AMA, I am starting an official multirotor and FPV club in the Chicago suburbs. If you happen to live in the area and wish to be a part of this process, feel free to leave a comment, or share this on Facebook to your friends to help spread multirotor love worldwide! I am sure I am not the first to start this process, and I definitely don’t want to be last!
In other news, I’m working on a few reviews and having fun flying a glider (I know, I’m shocked, too!). Feel free to send me any questions or comments by emailing me kevin (at) bigsquidrc (dot) com. Until next time, Stay Shiny and Keep Flyin’!