For Bashers, By Bashers!

R/C Around the Web – To the Rescue Edition!

Jeff sent me a text saying he was going to have trouble getting to his uber weekly R/C around the web post, so I told him I would try and cover. Please don’t send in the hate mail, it’s just once! ๐Ÿ˜›

Pic of the week
savage xl to flux to 5b conversion

Our picture of the week is also the project build of the week! You can see a bunch of pictures here for the Savage XL to Savage Flux, to Baja 5B conversion! Seriously, how awesome is that?! Yes the vehicle above started out as a nitro savage XL and is now a brushless 5B! I WANT!

savage xl to flux to 5b conversion savage xl to flux to 5b conversion

The fact that these things are covered with Big Squid RC stickers is just the icing on the cake! Do you have a awesome conversion or build you want to tell the world about? Drop us a line, and you could end up here on the front page!

Retro Video, because I’m in a Top Gear Mood Today

Post Info

Posted by in R/C Around the Web on Sunday, September 26th, 2010 at 12:50 pm

