For Bashers, By Bashers!

RC Drag Racing Video from Lynwood – Hi-Def Version!

RC Drag Racing Video - Lynwood Here is the link for the Hi-Def version of the video I recently uploaded. This is from the first Lynwood Dragway event of the year. It was also the first event shot with the new Hi-Def camcorder! The video is zipped, and around 40 meg. It’s in mp4 format. If you don’t think you can watch such a video, check out the online version HERE! It’s in flash format. Enjoy!

R/C Drag Racing – Lynwood IL, Midwest RC Drag Racing Series Event – 40meg. MP4 format. (please right click, and save as)

Post Info

Posted by in drag racing, Lynwood, Midwest RC Drag Racing, RC Drag Racing, video, videos on Wednesday, August 13th, 2008 at 12:38 am


