Reedy 526-S… the S is for Simple… I think…
Is your charger too complicated? Does it have too many buttons and 70+ menu options? Are you saying to yourself “why can’t this be simple?” I’m not… I like complicated stuff, it makes unexpected results from not knowing what you’re doing more exciting. But if you are a simpleton person that likes to keep things simple, Reedy might have a new charger for you. The new 526-S AC/DC LiPo/LiFe capable balance charger is as simple as plugging the battery in and pushing the start button. The charger is able to charge 2S to 6S packs at up to 5 amps, and includes a Deans pigtail and JST-XH balance harness. Not only is it simple, it’s also fairly inexpensive, with a list price of just about $65. The 526-S should be hitting shelves in March.
Check out the Reedy section of the Associated web site for more info.