For Bashers, By Bashers!

Reviews Done Quick – ARRMA Big Rock 4×4 VSX

We are experimenting with a new segment called Reviews Done Quick, and to lead us off comes a video review of the ARRMA Big Rock 4×4 VSX V3. We have noticed that most people watching videos just skip around and want to get to the good stuff, so why not do a short and quick video doing a little bashing with a review voice over?

If you like the new segment, bash that thumbs up button and let us know what you think. If you are new to the channel, make sure to hit that subscribe button, and slam that notification bell so you can be alerted of future videos, it also helps us out.

Make sure to leave a comment, and let us know what you think. Please keep in mind this is the first attempt, so if you like the direction, they should only get better right?

You can visit the ARRMA Big Rock Order Page over at Horizon Hobby at that link for more details.

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Post Info

Posted by in Car & Truck Reviews, video on Thursday, October 8th, 2020 at 12:54 pm

