For Bashers, By Bashers!
T-Bone Racing T-Caps front shock guards Losi Mini 8ight

T-Bone Racing T-Caps Front Shock Guards for Losi Mini 8ight

T-Bone Racing T-Caps front shock guards Losi Mini 8ight
Ever go flipping across the parking lot only to find your shock caps look like you took a grinder to them? Ever flip upside down on a muddy track packing your shock caps full of dirt that later hardens to a concrete like substance? Yes, us too.

The crew over at T-Bone Racing have some new Front Shock Guards for the Losi Mini 8ight to solve those issues. The shock guards are made out of tough Delrin plastic and mount directly to the shock caps, not to the shock tower. The part number is #37157 and they have a street price of just $5. Hit up This Link for more information.

Click Here for more T-Bone Racing news right here on BigSquidRC.

Post Info

Posted by in Losi, New Products on Wednesday, September 18th, 2013 at 9:14 am

