For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Kyosho Plazma LM GTP

Kyosho Plazma LM GTP Series

Kyosho has a new series of cars with licensed bodies from vintage Lemans GTP racers. The Plazma LM GTP series are 12th scale pan cars that should corner like they are on rails. As seen in the picture above, the first car up is a Porsche 962, we can’t wait to see which other models Kyosho adds to the series. [...]


TIC Racing Manic Oval Car

TIC Racing 2013 Manic Mini Stox RC Oval Kit

Who is TIC Racing? Well, they are Europe’s largest manufacturer of oval rc car kits and accessories, that’s who. From the looks of their latest kit they like their oval racers strong, simple and affordable. Sounds like a good basher to us. So what is the latest car from TIC Racing? It is called the Manic Mini Stox. This is a [...]


Mardave V12VRXcec Carbon Edition

Mardave V12VRXcec Carbon Circuit Edition

Mardave is a company in the UK that makes some very affordable (and durable) cars for the racing and bashing scene. One of their latest cars is the 12th scale V12VRXcec Carbon Circuit Edition. This carries over many of the parts from their other 12th scalers, but includes carbon fiber for the chassis. Like their other 12th scale cars, it [...]


Serpent S120 LTX 1/12th scale pan car

Serpent S120 LTX 1/12th Scale Pan Car EP Kit

As the weather gets colder many rc’ers head indoors to their favorite carpet track. For those people Serpent has just announced their updated 12th scale pan car, the S120 LTX. Some changes have been made to give the new S120 LTX a more forgiving, stable feel while on the track. Some of the primary features include- * New Carbon 2.0mm bi-directional [...]


Team Associated RC12R5.2 Factory Team

New Factory Team Associated RC12R5.2

What’s the latest 12th scale pan car from Team Associated? Why it’s the RC12R5.2 Factory Team of course. Some of the hot features are- Updated motor mount and left rear bulkhead for greater durability 2.5mm chassis with centralized Lipo battery mounting location Pivot ball rear pod design Innovative through-shaft center shock design Dynamic strut front end Aluminum side spring retainers Street price for the new Associated RC12R5.2 [...]


Coyote DB desert buggy from HPI

HPI Racing‘s Mini Trophy Truck has been given some cosmetic surgery and is now the Coyote DB.  So beyond the body, what’s new with this vehicle? Well… not much. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It certainly does look cool as a buggy.  So what’s the same? Pretty much everything. You’ll still finda 4wd drive-train with metal gear diffs, [...]


HPI Mini-Trophy Toyota Ivan Stewart Shell

If you fancy making your HPI Mini-Trophy look a little more original, then this retro replica of Ivan Stewart’s 1997  Toyota Baja truck is just what the doctor ordered! It comes pre-painted in the original color scheme, complete with decals: awesome! Check out the HPI Racing website for more information.


HPI Desert Trophy

Here’s HPI‘s latest, the Desert Trophy.  Now if it looks familiar to you, you’d be right.  It’s a Mini-Trophy with a new, and pretty, Yokohama livery.  But what’s different besides the paint job you ask?  Well, there’s the… … Um… No that’s not new, but what about the… … Hmm… Nope, that’s not new either. So I guess it is just the paint job.  But it’s a [...]


AMR introduces Gears 10 – 1/12 scale nitro buggy

Taiwanese outfit AMR (who?) has a  brand new RTR 1/12 scale nitro buggy ready for your consumption. Called the Gears 10, this new buggy is 4wd and looks the part of it’s much larger 1/8 scale counterparts.  The drive train is shaft driven, with durable gear differentials at either end, and also includes a slipper clutch, housed beneath a [...]


Vampire Racing released two new LiPos

Vampire Racing has a couple new LiPo packs for your combustion consumption today.  These two new setups are targeted at 1/12 scale racers and 1/8 scale electric racers.  Both batteries are 5700 mAh and “rated” at 50c, but one is a 4s brick and the other is a 1s pack.  Both feature a hard case and fancy graphics. No price was [...]


More HPI Mini Trophy video

Following on the little bit of video that we showed you yesterday, HPI and Gravel Crew Productions have decided to put out a much longer and cooler video of the Mini Trophy truck. Check out this, sure to be, hot ticket item in action:There’s plenty more info at the HPI web site and the HPI Mini Trophy Forum.


HPI Mini Trophy Truck in the flesh

HPI Racing is finally releasing some real imagery of their new 1/12 scale desert racer, the Mini-Trophy.  As we reported last week, the Mini-Trophy has been designed in conjunction with full scale racing team TSA Motorsports.  Now that we have some real pics of it we can see some of the crazy detail that HPI has pumped into this all [...]


HPI Racing Mini-Trophy Truck

Check out this new truck from HPI Racing and TSA Motorsports. The HPI Mini-Trophy Truck is an all new RTR 1/12 scale, 4wd, Desert Truck that was designed in conjuction with TSA Motorsports as they built the full scale version to be raced in the 7200 class of the SNORE desert racing series. There’s not much info available [...]

