For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Pro-Line Trencher Pre-Mounts X-Maxx Review

Pro-Line Trencher 4.3″ Pro-Loc Pre-Mounts For X-Maxx Review

In the search for maximum bash performance, you just can’t overlook tires. A bad set of tires will make your truck feel like it is on ice, where as outstanding kicks can make your truck feel like it is glued to the ground. The crew over at Pro-Line are the world’s biggest experts on rc tires. A few months ago P-L [...]


Pro-Line Trencher 4.3 Pro-Loc Pre-Mounts

Pro-Line Trencher 4.3″ Pro-Loc Pre-Mounts

Bolt on some serious traction to your Traxxas X-Maxx with some new Pre-Mounted Trencher 4.3″ Pro-Locs from Pro-Line. The Trenchers are arguably the best all around bashing tires on the market, a perfect match for the beastly X-Maxx, while the Pro-Loc wheels prevent the tires from coming loose at high power levels. * H-shaped tread for incredible amounts of traction * Molded [...]


Pro-Line Sling Shot Traxxas X-Maxx Video

Video – Pro-Line Sling Shot Paddle Tires For X-MAXX

The folks at Pro-Line recently uploaded a promotional video for their Sling Shot paddle tires. Pro-Line has just announced the Sling Shots pre-mounted to fit your Traxxas X-Maxx, shown below is a cool video that they worked up. Watch the video to get some design insights from Vance at Pro-Line, plus there is video of the tires in action. The [...]


Pro-Line Sling Shot 4.3 Pro-Loc Sand Tires Pre-Mounted

Pre-Mounted Pro-Line Sling Shot 4.3″ Pro-Loc Sand Tires

Pro-Line has announced that their popular paddle tires for the Traxxas X-Maxx will soon be available pre-mounted. The new pre-mounted Pro-Line Sling Shot 4.3″ Pro-Loc sand tires make it easier than ever to bolt some serious sand and snow traction onto your X-Maxx. * 10 paddle design * Molded from Pro-Line’s new anti-ballooning tire compound * Proprietary Pro-Loc bead design * Comes with foam [...]


Sling Shot 4.3" Pro-Loc Sand Tires

Pro-Line Sling Shot 4.3″ Pro-Loc Paddle Tires For X-Maxx

Do you drive a lot on sand or snow with your Traxxas X-Maxx? If so, take a close look at the new 4.3″ Sling Shot paddle tires from Pro-Line. Designed from the ground up for extreme bashing punishment, the Sling Shots also sport a great scale appearance. * Ultra-secure Pro-Loc bead technology * Easy to mount and remove * Reinforced tire bead * 10 [...]

