For Bashers, By Bashers!

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ECX 4WD Brushless Circuit Review

ECX Brushless 4WD Circuit with AVC Review

If there was ever a truck targeted right at bashers it would have to be the ECX Brushless 4WD Circuit with AVC from Horizon Hobby. There is no racing class for it, has never really been a racing class for it, and with big brushless power and stability control it has the makings of a backyard beast. Is it a [...]


ECX Circuit with AVC Unboxing

ECX 4WD Brushless Circuit with AVC Unboxing

We’ve been working on our review of the ECX 4WD Brushless Circuit Stadium Truck with AVC for several weeks now. Before the full review goes live we wanted to post some unboxing pictures so you can see exactly what it looks like when the box is cracked open. As you can see by the pictures, everything is included with the Circuit. [...]


TBR ECX Circuit 4x4 Bumper

T-Bone Racing Thrasher Front Bumper For The ECX Circuit 4×4

Protect the front end on your ECX Circuit 4×4 with the new Thrasher Series Front Bumper from T-Bone Racing. The TBR crew put some kick up in its design to keep you from digging in when landing an endo, while its extra width (6-5/8″) goes a long ways towards protecting the front a-arms and shocks. Extra tough nylon is used [...]


ECX 4WD Brushless Ruckus AVC

4WD ECX Ruckus and Circuit Get Brushless Power & AVC

ECX has given the 4WD Ruckus and 4WD Circuit two very important upgrades- Brushless Power and AVC stability control. Both trucks receive 4 pole Dynamite 3300kV brushless motors and Dynamite 8.4V 3300mAh NiMH batteries for power. Waterproof electronics come standard and both trucks are equipped with Spektrum DX2E radio systems. The Brushless 4wd Circuit has a part number of #ECX03017, the [...]


Pro-Line ECX 4WD Sand Circuit

How To – Sand Blasting with the ECX 4WD Circuit

The BigSquidRC Bash Crew is firmly anchored in the Midwest, home to luscious top soil and sticky clay. One surface we don’t get a chance to drive on much is sand, therefore we forget that much of the world is covered with the stuff. After spending so much time in sandy SoCal this year, we decided it was time make [...]


ECX High Speed 4WD Circuit

How To – Going Fast with the ECX 4WD Circuit

While we’ve had a fantastic time bashing the ECX 4WD Circuit at the local park, it does come with brushed power that isn’t very fast. Like most people, we are always longing for more speed, therefore we decided to do a few modifications to see what it would take to break the speed limit. Hit the READ MORE to see [...]


ECX Circuit 4wd Review

Review – ECX Circuit 4WD RTR Stadium Truck

THE ECX Circuit 4WD RTR ReviewMyself, like many of you, spent years driving 2wd Stadium Trucks. They were a whole lot easier to drive and bash with compared to a typical 2wd buggy. A 4wd stadium truck would have been even better, but there were very few available, and those that were tended to break all the time. ECX recently released [...]


Unboxing ECX Circuit 4wd

Unboxing – ECX Circuit 4WD Stadium Truck

The ECX line-up has become quite popular among the bashing crowd, and the Circuit 4wd is yet another affordable bash machine from them. While we were unboxing our review ECX Circuit 4wd we took some pictures to show you exactly what it looks like inside the box. The Circuit 4×4 is a RTR stadium style truck that comes with everything you [...]


ECX Circuit 4x4 4wd

ECX Goes 4×4 with Ruckus, Circuit, and Torment

ECX has just taken their Ruckus, Circuit, and Torment up a notch be releasing 4×4 versions of them. The 4wd versions come completely ready to run and are powered by 550 sized 15 turn Dynamite brushed motors. 7 cell Ni-MH packs are included and all three have a street price of $239, making them quite affordable. To get more information [...]

