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Adam Drake Futaba 10PX US Limited Edition Radio Video

Video - Adam Drake On The Futaba 10PX US Limited Edition Rad…

Over on Adam Drake’s YouTube Channel, he has uploaded a video on the new Futaba 10PX US Limited Edition Radio. The new 10PX US LE is a top-of-the-line radio designed for elite, world class levels of performance. Watch the video below to see Adam unbox the new Futaba, then he goes on to talk about some of its high-end features. [...]


Adam Drake Mugen Pipe Dent Removable Video

Video – Exhaust Pipe Dent Removal With Adam Drake

For all you nitro drivers out there, Mugen Racing has posted a new “how-to” video. Below you will find world renowned rc driver Adam Drake who talks about an easy, as well as free way, to fix a dented exhaust pipe. Using just a bowl, some water, some plugs, and a freezer, the video shows you how easy it is [...]


Drake OS Engine Video

Video – OS Speed B21 Adam Drake Edition Engine

The folks at Hobbico recently uploaded a new video for the Drake Edition B21 nitro engine from O.S. Speed. The Drake B21 was designed to work well in both 1/8th buggies and truggies, giving you the power needed to be on the top step of the podium. The video goes over the major features of the Drake B21 like its [...]


OS Speed B21 Adam Drake

O.S. Speed B21 Adam Drake Engine Now Shipping

The folks over at Hobbico just sent us a press releases to let us know that the uber new Adam Drake Edition O.S. Speed B21 nitro engine is now shipping. The Drake engine is available right now and was designed to put out the serious horsepower that you need to win races, while also being fuel efficient to give you [...]


OS Speed Adam Drake Edition Engine

O.S. Speed B21 Adam Drake Edition Nitro Engine

Just announced by O.S. Speed is the B21 Adam Drake Edition nitro engine. The new Drake engine is a .21 that was designed for both buggy and truggy racing. Here are some of its highlights- * New porting & cylinder liner * 6.5 & 8.0mm carb reducers * New bore x stroke – 16.40 x 16.55 mm * Ceramic rear bearing * 21J carburetor * P3 [...]


Video Adam Drake Hitec Servo

Video – Adam Drake And The Hitec HSB-9381TH Servo

Just posted by Adam Drake is a video about the new Hitec HSB-9381TH brushless servo. In the video Adam does a great job of going over what’s new on the Hitec, as well as putting out some great observations. The 9381 replaces the legendary 9380 and sports a full aluminum case to withstand all the punishment you can throw at [...]


2017 Futaba Nitro Challenge

Coverage – 2017 Futaba Nitro Challenge

For 2017, once again the St. Louis Dirtburners hosted the annual Futaba Nitro Challenge. The Futaba event is well known as being one of the biggest, and best, nitro races in the United States. This year was no exception as the Dirtburners rc club had designed a great track and made sure the race program went off as smoothly as [...]


Adam Drake ARRMA Outcast Video

Video – Adam Drake Driving The ARRMA Outcast

Recently, pro racer and general good guy Adam Drake has been posting videos of the ARRMA Outcast on his YouTube channel. The video shown above features Adam doing a lot of slow motion backyard bashing, while the video below shows him talking about various features on the Outcast. Check them out to learn more about the Outcast and to see [...]


Drake Lutz Clinics 2017 Futaba Nitro Challenge

Adam Drake & Ryan Lutz To Hold Exclusive Q&A Clinics At The …

One of the biggest nitro races held each summer is the Futaba Nitro Challenge. The event has been held at the St Louis Dirtburners track for several years now and this year’s event is expected to be a monster. To make it even better, world famous rc race car drivers Adam Drake and Ryan Lutz will be holding a pair [...]


Team O.S. and TrakPower Sign the Drakes

The Drakes Sign With Team O.S. And TrakPower

Hobbico has announced that they have signed Adam and Ronda Drake to their O.S. Engines and TrakPower factory teams. The Drakes are well known in racing circles not just for their speed, but also for being good ambassadors for the sport of rc racing. The next time you hit up a big nitro race, keep an eye out for the [...]


Drake Edition Losi Mini 8ight buggy

Drake and Phend Limited Edition Losi Mini 8IGHT 1/14 4WD Bug…

New today from the folks over at Losi are two new editions of their popular Mini 8IGHT Buggy. The first is the Adam Drake Edition, the second the Dakotah Phend Edition. Adam Drake is one of the most popular drivers on the circuit, while young gun Dakotah Phend has been showing the speed to win at any level of competition. Each [...]


A weekend at the Track -- Big Squid RC Invades the 2010 ROAR…

Editor’s Note — Here are the facts: Adam Drake was top qualifier in the buggy class. Jared Tebo TQ’d the truggy class. Tebo then went on to win both the buggy and truggy classes. Jeff was sent there to take pictures and provide coverage of the event. What we got back from him was this “story.” [...]


Leighton Dillard Benefit Raffle – Win Drake’s Truggy or …

Normally we write the news in our own voice here at BSRC, but this one is too important for us to jack up, so we’re going to let the organizers speak for themselves.March 6th, 2010, RC Racing lost one of its family.  Leighton Dillard or as he was affectionately known Big L died on the drivers stand during [...]

