For Bashers, By Bashers!

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bash-a-palooza rcx

Around the Office – Bash-A-Palooza Recovery Edition

Things are finally starting to get back to normal around here. In case you missed our zillion posts about RCX Chicago 2011 BASH-A-PALOOZA 2011 you can catch them all with that link! I think most of us were pretty drained after the event as it was a ton of work for a one day event. Wrench (aka Bill) did an [...]


Evan’s 5 Minutes…on Customer Service Reviews & MIP

It’s time for a special Wednesday edition of Evan’s 5 Minutes! It seems like we’re all carving our own little piece of the BSRC pie lately, and I wanted to take just a second to show my support for Brian’s post earlier today about the “try-before-you-buy” idea at local hobby shops. I think it’s an awesome idea [...]

