For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Treal Aluminum Rear Brace for 1-7 ARRMA Vehicles

Treal Aluminum Rear Brace Mount for ARRMA’s 1/7 Mojave, Fi…

New from Treal is their Aluminum Rear Brace Mount for ARRMA’s 1/7 Mojave, Fireteam 6S, Big Rock 6S, and Limitless V2. If you want to beef up your seventh-scale basher, this aluminum brace is one upgrade to help you do just that. Made from CNC-machined 7075 aluminum, this rear brace mount offers improved durability and style over its stock counterpart. Available [...]


ARRMA 7th Big Rock 6S 4X4 BLX Monster Truck RTR

ARRMA 1/7 Big Rock 6S 4X4 BLX Monster Truck RTR

Just announced by ARRMA is the 1/7th Scaled Big Rock 6S 4X4 BLX Monster Truck RTR. This giant version of the Big Rock comes with a burly 6S brushless power system, to go with it’s beefy 4wd chassis. Check out these highlights- * Big Rock supersized to 1/7 scale * Loaded with ARRMA durability and performance * Highly detailed, rugged truck body * Three [...]


Reviews Done Quick – ARRMA Big Rock 4×4 VSX

We are experimenting with a new segment called Reviews Done Quick, and to lead us off comes a video review of the ARRMA Big Rock 4×4 VSX V3. We have noticed that most people watching videos just skip around and want to get to the good stuff, so why not do a short and quick video doing a little bashing [...]


Unboxing the ARRMA Big Rock V3 1/10 Monster Truck Video

Got our hands on the new ARRMA Big Rock V3 1/10th scale Monster Truck from Horizon Hobby. The V3 has plenty of updates to the previous releases of the Big Rock, like a wider wheel base, different steering setup, waterproof options and more. We discuss and show many of the changes during the video. If you are looking for a [...]


Updated ARRMA Senton

ARRMA MEGA & BLX 4×4 Series Get Full Refresh

Over at ARRMA they have announced that they have given a Full Refresh to their entire line-up of Mega series and BLX series 4x4s. These vehicles get electronic updates, as well as numerous other upgrades. Check out just some of the updates below. * New Spektrum SLT3 radio * Upgraded chassis * Improved dirt sealing * Large power module pull tab * Rubber shielded bearings * [...]


RPM A-arms ARRMA Big Rock Senton Granite 4×4

RPM A-Arms For The ARRMA Big Rock/Senton/Granite 3S BLX 4×4

Coming soon for all you ARRMA Big Rock/Senton/Granite 4×4 3S BLX owners are extra durable A-Arms from RPM. The crew at RPM are experts at designing ridiculously tough upgrade parts, here are the highlights- * Exclusive 2nd shock mount for increased adjustability * Significantly lighter than stock * Made from RPM’s legendary blend of indestructible, engineering grade nylons * Easy to intall * Fits the [...]


T-Bone Racing XV6 Front Bumper Arrma Big Rock 4x4 3S

T-Bone Racing XV6 Front Bumper For The ARRMA Big Rock 4×4 3S

For all you new ARRMA 3S Big Rock 4×4 owners, T-Bone Racing has announced a XV6 Series Front Bumper. The TBR front bumper for the ARRMA Big Rock 4×4 3S was engineered for serious durability, here are the highlights- * Easy to install * Lifetime warranty * Fully covers hinge pins * Available in different colors * Heavy duty design Street pricing for the XV6 Front [...]


ARRMA 10th Scale Big Rock Crew Cab 4x4 3S BLX Brushless RTR

ARRMA Big Rock Crew Cab 1/10 Scale Monster Truck

The folks over at ARRMA have just announced their new Big Rock Crew Cab Monster Truck. It’s a 1/10 scale 4wd bashing machine that comes with 3s brushless power. Check out the specs:ARRMA product number: AR102711 Product Name: BIG ROCK CREW CAB 4X4 3S BLX MONSTER TRUCK RADIO SYSTEM: Tactic TTX300 2,4Ghz ESC: ARRMA BLX100 Waterproof ESC connector: EC5 Motor: BLX 3200KV BRUSHLESS 3660 [...]


ARRMA Nero Big Rock Champion

Video – ARRMA Nero Big Rock Wins!

Being an avid BigSquidRC reader, you probably already know what we are talking about. If not, the good folks over at Hobbico have uploaded a new video to celebrate the ARRMA Nero Big Rock winning the BigSquidRC March Bash-Ness contest. As voted on by you, our faithful readers, the Big Rock took down all comers to be crowned our 2017 [...]



TBR XV4 Front Bumper W/LED Lights For ARRMA Big Rock

Hello all you ARRMA Big Rock owners, T-Bone Racing has something for you. Recently announced by TBR is a XV4 Front Bumper With LED Lights. Sporting a huge front bumper and a 4 LED light bar, this unit should look good while protecting the front end of your truck. TBR’s famous lifetime warranty comes standard and it is priced at [...]


Video ARRMA Bashing Brothers

Video – ARRMA Ultimate Bashing Brothers

In 2016, ARRMA has taken the bashing world by storm with their Nero series of bash tracks. The original smart diff equipped Nero started it all off, then was followed by the scale’ish looks of the Big Rock and the street oriented Fazon. To help promote all three Nero based trucks, ARRMA has posted a new video. Watch the video [...]


ARRMA Nero Big Rock BLX Review

ARRMA Nero Big Rock Review

Hot on the heals of the very popular Nero, ARRMA has released the Nero Big Rock Monster Truck. While the Big Rock is very much like the original truck, it sports a scale realistic look, something that is in big demand with today’s consumers. Of course we’ve been driving our test Big Rock like we stole it, so the big [...]


ARRMA Nero Big Rock Unboxing

Unboxing – ARRMA Nero Big Rock Monster Truck

The Nero Big Rock is the latest and greatest monster truck to be released by bashing powerhouse ARRMA RC. Based on the ultra high-tech Nero platform, the Big Rock adds touches of scale realism for a truck that looks as good as it performs. Today we are posting pictures of what it looks like to pull a brand new Big Rock [...]

