For Bashers, By Bashers!

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We Have A Winner – Pro-Line – Big Squid Monthly Contest

We have a winner in the Pro-Line Racing and Big Squid RC Monthly Contest! This is where we sent the readers out to their local hobby shops to grab a copy of the Big Squid Monthly and take a photo with it. Congratulations to Phil H. You are the winner! Check your email for information we need. Thanks again to [...]


Issue 5 In Stores

Just wanted to give a quick reminder that the latest copy of the Big Squid RC monthly should be in your local hobby shops! As always, we have included a bunch of stickers in the package, so make sure to grab a few when you stop in. We just updated Big Squid Monthly Page with shops in a few [...]


New Big Squid RC Monthly and More Locations!

In case you didn’t hear, we were at eFest 2015 and met with hordes of people. The show is always a good time, and it’s a great chance for us to meet and greet with readers, as well as introduce new people to the site. While we were there, we were handing out the latest copy of the Big Squid [...]


Big Squid Monthly Plus Micro Stickers!

Should of mentioned this a while back, the new Big Squid RC Monthly hit hobby shops earlier this month, and as a special treat we have shipped ‘micro’ Big Squid RC sticker sheets with them. We sent some to every store that gets the issues for FREE! All you need to do is run to your local shop that carries [...]


Monthly Hobby Shop Location – Hobby Express

Every week we feature a different shop that sends in a photo with the Big Squid RC Monthly in it. This one comes from Hobby Express in Pennsylvania! This looks like the place to go for Axial vehicles for sure! Thanks for sending in the picture! We have recently updated the Monthly page with more hobby shops! Click over to [...]


Big Squid RC Monthly Location Update

We just did a quick update to the location page of where you can find the Big Squid RC Monthly. Every week we feature a different shop that sends in a photo with the publication in it. This one comes from Urban RC in Oklahoma ! You can see both issues of the monthly in front of the register [...]


Big Squid RC Monthly Location Page Updated

We are putting the finishing touches on the second issue of the Big Squid RC Monthly! We recently updated the monthly webpage with locations of hobby shops that will be carrying (Or are already carrying) our print edition. Is your local shop on the list? If not, make sure to drop in, call them, whatever it takes to let them [...]


Big Squid RC Monthly

Big Squid RC Monthly Debuts at iHobby 2014

As you can see in the picture above, Big Squid RC is now in print! The premiere issue of Big Squid RC By Bashers for Bashers Monthly was all over our booth at iHobby 2014. Even though our first issue was a small “get our feet wet” edition, we received loads of compliments about it. How do you get your hands [...]


iHobby Expo 2014

Visit BigSquidRC This Weekend at iHobby 2014

We would like to cordially invite you to visit our booth at iHobby Expo 2014. The show kicks off tomorrow morning in Schaumburg Illinois and we are located near the rc demo track in booth #1527. Thursday and Friday morning are for industry people only, but Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon are for consumers. When visiting our booth you can pick [...]


Cubby iHobby

THE Cub Report, 09.22.2014, Version- Life is Like a Box of..…

Ya know, THE Cub Report is a lot like a box of chocolates too, you just never know what you are gonna get. It can be weeks of boring “ho-hum” stuff with a rare nugget of good stuff buried here or there. This week however, is a “good” one, so keep on reading… So… I’ve been teasing about some huge [...]

