For Bashers, By Bashers!

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Monster Truck Madness – Creating a BIGFOOT #10 Diorama

Hello gang and Happy Thursday. Thirty years ago last week, on January 31st, 1992, little seven year old Douglas was at the St. Louis Arena for the annual USHRA monster truck show. Being someone with a February birthday, this was always my present. The Arena is long gone, but I’m very thankful to of grown up going to monster truck shows there. [...]


Monster Truck Madness - Ending the Year with Awesome BIGFOOT…

Hey gang, as 2021 comes to close, I wanted to share some absolutely stunning BIGFOOT replica monster trucks with you, built by my friend @TEAM_BIG_GUNZ_RACING on Instagram. These are his words-I’ve always admired the way Bigfoot #3 looked. To me, that is the best looking monster truck ever and I still feel the same way about that truck even till [...]


Monster Truck Madness - Marchon's Monster Truck Racing Slot …

Hey gang, happy Thursday! It’s slow around the office as pretty much everyone is making the trek to Axialfest. And you know what that means? I can slip something non-r/c related onto the site without repercussion from boss man, who is probably out setting up a trail section in Indiana with no internet service! This week I wanted to take a trip [...]



It is no secret that the entire Crew at Big Squid RC are Bigfoot fans. Bigfoot to me is more than a monster truck, Hell I even had a Bigfoot power wheel so when I see Bigfoot it brings back fond childhood memories. Coming from a broken home there was one point where my toys were my escape from my [...]


Monster Truck Madness – Amazing BIGFOOT Replicas

In the world of replica r/c monster trucks, I’d wager that the BIGFOOT fleet of trucks has been done the most. And they’ve been done very well! So many talented builders have done their version of the big blue Ford that they all kind of run together. I mean heck, nowadays you can just buy a great looking one from [...]


Monster Truck Madness – 2019 BIGFOOT 4×4 Open House Recap

On Saturday, June 1st, the annual BIGFOOT 4×4 Open House took place in Pacific, MO. As is usually the case, it was a veritable smorgasbord of activities for the monster truck lover. Many of the team’s vehicles were on display for fans to get a close up look at, and various other monster machines were on the site as well. There [...]


Monster Truck Madness - Old Skool Memories of the St. Louis …

My birthday was this past week, February 27th to be exact, and while that’s fine and all, the date is important to me for another reason. On February 27th, 1999, the St. Louis Arena was demolished, which means that last Wednesday was the 20th anniversary. The Arena, called “The Old Barn” or “Checkerdome” by many locals, held many awesome childhood [...]


Monster Truck Madness #26 – Come Race at BIGFOOT Open House!

The gang at BIGFOOT 4×4 is putting on their annual Open House in Pacific, MO, and they are also holding a big solid axle monster truck race that my club, Trigger King R/C, is managing. Whether you wanna come and see the full size monsters crush cars or try your hand at some r/c monster trucking, it’s gonna be a [...]


Monster Truck Madness #11 – BIGFOOT Ranger Replica

Over the weekend I attended the annual BIGFOOT 4×4 Open House in Pacific, MO and helped to put on an r/c monster truck race with my Trigger King friends. There were a lot of cool looking r/c’s and full scale rigs, but the vehicle that has everyone in the solid axle community buzzing is the replica BIGFOOT Ranger that was [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ – New Body Day is the Best Day

I’ve mentioned a time or two that one of my favorite things about this hobby is that moment when you get a brand new builder’s kit up on your workbench and crack open the box for the first time. The knowledge that you are about to turn a bucket of parts into something that can be driven (along with that [...]


Everybody's Scalin' For the Weekend - Bigfoot 4x4 Monster Tr…

2014 has been a year of monster truck resurgence in the r/c industry. One has to look no further for evidence than right here at BSRC, as our review went live this week for basher of the year contender, the Pro-Line Pro-MT monster truck. What better way to end the week then, than with a recap of a major monster [...]


Everybody’s Scalin’ For the Weekend – Hot Doggin’

Axial shared the above photo the other day on their official facebook page and it has since spread like wildfire across the interwebs. While I wouldn’t just normally shamelessly lift something from there, this is something you all should see. Apparently the owner of a paralyzed dachshund took matters into his own hands to outfit his little buddy with a [...]

